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I woke up to the smell of breakfast in the air I stood up from the bed and stretched and made my way to the bathroom to handle my hygiene. After showering and brushing my teeth I made my way downstairs and walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning babe."

"Good morning honey."

I walked over to Megan and kissed her then I kissed her stomach.

"Good morning son."

"Breakfast is just about ready."

"Okay anything you need me to do," I asked.


I nodded.

"How long you've been up?"

"4 hours."

"You been up since 5:00am," I asked.

"Yeah I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake you so I had got up and started cleaning up."

"But the house is already clean."

"It needed to be cleaner."

"Okay baby."

"Breakfast is ready."

I got the plates and cups down out of the cabinet then I started fixing our plates.

"I'll be back I gotta use the bathroom."


Megan walked out of the kitchen I sat our plates on the island counter then I fixed us something to drink and sat Megan's prenatal vitamins next to her cup of water.

After breakfast Megan and I made our way upstairs to get dressed for our daily walk. The doorbell started ringing repeatedly I placed my shoes on then I made my way downstairs. I walked over to the door and opened it seeing my mama and Janiyah arguing. I stepped between the two of them and let my mama walk in first then Janiyah behind her. I closed the door and walked into the living room seeing them both sitting on opposite sides of the couch glaring at each other.

"What's going on?"

"Did you know that Janiyah had a miscarriage?"

"Yes ma'am."

"See this shit I'm talking about why in the hell am I the last person to know."

"I didn't know when it happen either mama I found out after it happen."

Megan walked into the living room.

"Hey mama Jordyn and Niyah."

"Hey Megan. How are you?"

"I'm good."

"That's good."

"What's going on," Megan asked.

"Niyah finally told me that she had a miscarriage."

Megan shook her head and sighed.

"This is definitely not the advice I gave you Niyah."

"I know but I knew how she was going to react."

"You don't know how I was going to react Niyah."

"You preached to all of us to not get pregnant like you did at an early age and I did the complete opposite."

"Okay but I realize that things happen and I can't control when you all decide to have kids. I'm hurt that you waited this long to tell me I could've been by your side when it happened I could've held you and told you that everything happens for a reason and you'll get through this with me by your side but I'm the last to know out of everyone."

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