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Kiana in m/m

I came downstairs and walked into the kitchen seeing Nick fixing himself a cup of coffee I frowned up.

"Why you making that face?"

"I don't see how you drink coffee."

"You should try some."

"I'll pass."

"Have you ever tried coffee?"

"I did and don't like it at all."

"Take a sip of mine."

I sighed and walked over to Nick and drink some of his coffee I frowned up and shook my head. I went in the cabinet and got my coffee mug down.

"It's no for me."

Nick nodded.

"Where's the boys," I asked.

"My sister came and got them."

"Lord I already know she's about to buy them toys."

"That I told her to keep at her house cause they have enough toys here."


I poured me some water in the cup and placed it in the microwave to warm up.

"Uh babe have you checked your emails?"

"No not yet."

Nick walked over to me with his iPad I went to my email address and went into the microwave and got my cup out then I got my tea and placed it in the cup.

"What are you about to drink?"

"Herbal tea."

"Oh okay."

"Can you hand me a spoon?"

"Yeah babe."

"As well as some honey and sugar."


I looked back at the iPad and seen that my lawyer had sent me an email I clicked and read it.

"What did your lawyer say?"

"Eric lawyer sent him an email."

"I hope not to get full custody."

"Nope he signed his parental rights over."

"So he's not even going to try and build a relationship with Ej?"

I shook my head.

"Well now I can start the process of adopting Ej."

I quickly looked at Nick we never discussed him adopting Ej.

"Wait you want to adopt Ej," I asked.


"Wow this is news to me."

"I was going to talk to you about it this morning I've been thinking about it for a while now I just didn't know how to approach you with it because I know you wanted Ej and Eric to have a relationship."

"Well I'll email my lawyer back and get started with getting the adoption papers up and officially changing Ej last name."


I poured some sugar in my mug and then added some honey and mixed it up then I took a sip.

"Is that just regular herbal tea?"

"Nah it's Honey Vanilla Chamomile tea."

"Oh okay."

"You going to work today?"

"Nah I took today off since you had the day off I want to spend the day with you."


I sent my lawyer an email then we walked into the living room and sat down.

"How do you feel about me adopting Ej?"

"It ran across my mind a few times."

"Once Ej gets older I don't want him to feel a certain way because our last names is Jackson and his isn't."

"Have he ever questioned why is last name isn't Jackson?"

"Last night right before he went to bed and I explained to him that Khalil and him didn't have the same last name because he's not biologically mine and Eric is biologically father."

I only nodded. I refreshed my laptop and seen that my lawyer sent me another email I clicked the email and read over it. I showed Nick the email and he nodded. My phone dinged I looked down seeing that Eric text me I rolled my eyes and deleted the message and blocked his number.

Taking my wife's advice I decided to meet up with Eric and see what he want. I walked over to the table he was sitting at and sat down.


"I'm glad that you could meet me."

"If it wasn't for my wife I wouldn't be here."

Eric nodded.

"I just want to apologize to you for what I said almost 5 years ago."

"Why did it take almost 5 years for you to apologize you have my number?"

"I have no real excuse and I'm not going to sit here and try and make up an excuse all you was trying to do was help me and I didn't want the help."

"We supposed to be family and family don't turn their back on family and that's exactly what you did."

"I didn't turn my back on you Jace."

"Nah but you turned your back on Ki and Ej you cheated on her Ki is family."

"Well she has somebody better in her life."

"It took her months to even open up to her husband but she did and he loves the hell out of her and Ej."

"Which is why I gave up my parental rights."

"Ion think I heard you right."

"I gave up my rights," Eric said with a shrug.

"So instead of building your relationship with your only son you gave up your rights?"

"Yeah when Ej saw me the only thing I got out of him was hey that's it."

"What were you expecting you haven't been in his life for 4 almost 5 years because of your own selfish reasons."

"You're right."

"I know I'm right you and Ki created Ej and you was supposed to be there no matter what just because you and Ki broke up doesn't mean that you just forget about your son but you did. Nick stepped up to the plate and became the daddy you was supposed to be."

"I know."

"We done here."


I nodded and stood up and walked over to the counter and placed Megan's order for her.

"I'm sorry Jace."


I haven't heard from Eric in 5 years and now he wants to show up and talk and we have nothing to talk about he walked out on his family and never looked back to make sure that they was okay. I've always stood by Ki side right along with Megan I seen her cry and ask what's wrong with her why did Eric hurt her so bad Kiana didn't even want to live after the breakup with Eric and that shit hurt me because Kiana is beautiful and she didn't deserve to get hurt like she did by Eric.

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