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Later that night

I was getting ready to take Jaxson upstairs for his bath when Jaceyon stopped me and took Jaxson from me passing him over to his mom.

"My parents is keeping Jaxson."

"For the night."

"No for 7 days."


"Because we're going to spend time together."

"Where we're going?"

"Bali so go pack."

"You serious?"

"Yes just the two of us for the next 7 days."

"Okay wait what about Jax diaper bag," I spoke.

"His bag is in the car."

"Lemme give him a kiss."

Mama Jordyn passed me back Jaxson and I kissed his cheeks and hugged him then I passed him back to mama Jordyn and sniffed.

"Are you okay Megan?"

"Yeah it's just that I've never been away from Jax and I'll be fine y'all go ahead."

We said goodbye and Jaceyon lead his parents to the door I made my way upstairs wiping my eyes I know that Jaxson is in good hands he's my baby and I never went a day without him only a couple hours it's an adjustment and I'll be fine this is much needed for me and Jaceyon.

"You good babe," Jaceyon asked as he walked into the room.

I turned towards him and smiled.

"Yeah this is needed for us though."

"Right the intimacy between us need to be revived."

"It does."

"Alright let's pack and head to the jet."


We both walked into the closet going to our sides I grabbed my suitcase and unzipped it and got started on packing. Once I got half way through with packing I changed from my house shoes to my sneakers.

"Babe we're only going to be gone for 7 days," Jaceyon spoke as he looked over at my suitcase.

"A girl can never have too many options babe."


I zipped up my suitcase then I grabbed my carry-on bag and started adding in all of the necessities I need.

"Leave your business phone here Jace its all about us."

"Same to you Meg."

I nodded and zipped up my carry-on bag Jaceyon grabbed my suitcase and walked out of the closet and I grabbed my purse and carry-on bag. We walked out of our room and down the stairs to the front door I sat my carry-on bag on top of my suitcase then I made my way back upstairs to get my phone as well as Jaceyon phone and chargers.

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