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Jaxson is now woke and is party is in full swing. I watched as he ran around with his cousins and smiled.

"Meg are you planning on giving Jace a little girl now that my godson is one," Kelsey said as she walked up to me.

"Are you going to give Corey a baby?"

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"Are you going to give Corey a baby?"

"This isn't about me."

"You're the only one out of the group that's not pregnant yet."

"And I'm not planning on getting pregnant any time soon."

"Okay that's what your mouth says."

"I know better I'm not going to slip up and get pregnant."

"Yeah okay that's what your mouth says."

"Oh I know it."

Jaxson ran over to me with.


"Yes baby."

"Eat eat."

"Okay handsome."

I picked Jaxson up and announced to everyone that we're about to eat. We all made our way inside and I walked over to Jaxson highchair and placed him in his highchair. I said a prayer and everyone began fixing the kids plates Jaceyon came over to Jaxson with his plate and sat it in front of him. I went into the refrigerator and got out his juice I grabbed his sippie cup and poured some juice in his cup. I walked over to Jaxson and sat his cup in front of him.

"Is it good baby?"


Jaxson held up a piece of hotdog for me and I gladly ate it then I kissed his forehead. Jaceyon brought me my plate I thanked him and started eating.

After eating the kids all went outside to finish playing while the adults cleaned up the kitchen.

Once the kitchen was clean I made my way outside I found Jaxson heading towards the bouncy house and I followed right behind him. I removed my sandals and got in the bouncy house with Jaxson he looked back at me and ran into my legs I picked him up and started fo jump around with him.

"I love you Jax."

"I wuv you too mama."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. After jumping around for a while we got out of the bouncy house and made our way back inside of the house so I can change him and change his clothes so he can get in the pool.


I looked up seeing Kiana.

"Wassup Ki."

"The guy who's talking to Jace who is that?"

"Q he's Jace and Jax barber."

"Is he single?"

"I believe so."


"You're ready to start dating again?"

"I am Eric is in the past and it's time for me to move on."


"Can I change Ej in here?"

"Yeah go right ahead."

I finished up with Jaxson then I made my way downstairs and outside heading towards the pool.


I held Jaxson in my arms as we all gathered around him to sing happy birthday to him. I counted down and everyone began to sing happy birthday.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Jax, happy birthday to you," we all sung.

"Blow out your candles baby."

With my help Jaxson blew out his candle and everyone clapped I walked back over to his highchair and placed him in his highchair. Megan came over with his smash cake and he wasted no time with eating his cake.

Jaxson pushed the smash cake back and I wiped his mouth and he yawned I picked him up from his highchair Jaxson laid his head on my shoulder.

"Myself, Meg and Jax would like to thank everyone for coming out Jax is thankful for all of the gifts that he has received and we'll take pictures and record videos tomorrow of him opening all of his gifts up. Take whatever food is left and have a goodnight."

"Night night mommy's baby."

"Night night mommy."

Megan kissed Jaxson and we made our way upstairs to his room. I changed Jaxson into his pjs then laid him down in his crib I covered him up with his blanket and placed his Chase next to him. Jaxson held Chase and went to sleep. I kissed his forehead and walked out of his room cracking his door. I made my way back downstairs.

"Megan I heard your working with Cardi B."

"I am we just finished up with the song and now we're preparing for the video."

"Can we hear a snippet?"


"Jace have you heard the song."

"I haven't."

"Wait you haven't heard the song?"

"Nah and I don't plan on hearing the song anytime soon until it gets released."

"What we're doing now that the kids are asleep," Kiana asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Y'all got any bottles," Quentin asked.


"Shots," he asked.

"Hell yeah I hope you can hang Q," Kiana spoke.

"Of course I can."

"You sure cause can't nobody out drink the captain of the hotties."

I handed Megan the bottle of Dusse she smirked as she popped the bottle open.

"Yeah I'm sure we need chaser right?"

"Nope we drink from the bottle and you're up first."

Megan walked over to Quentin and poured Dusse down his throat.

"Damn," he spoke as he patted his chest.

We made our way down to the man cave so we can continue everything without waking up the boys. Kelsey put on Megan music and turned it up some. I watched as Megan, Kelsey and Kiana rapped along to her music and twerked as well. I don't care what Megan says she's getting pregnant tonight and if not tonight then when the song she made with Cardi is definitely going to get her pregnant.

"I'm too sexy to be fucking under covers, huh
I know you know me, I ain't gotta introduce shit, hmm same crew, I ain't hanging with no new bitch, hmm Ima buy it when I land, I rock new shit, hmm," Megan rapped making eye contact with me.

I shook my head as I took a shot of Hennessy. Baby number 2 is definitely on the way.

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