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I woke up to my phone ringing I answered my phone listening to my pop talk then he hung up. I let out a sigh and looked at the time I carefully unwrapped Megan arm from around me. I got up and slipped on some black sweats and a t-shirt.

"Where you going baby?"

"To let my pop in."

Megan nodded and turned on her side going back to sleep. I made my way out of the room and down the stairs. I walked over to the front door I let out a yawn then I unlocked the door and let my pop in I closed and locked the door back and we walked into the living room I sat down.

"Wassup pop."

"I want to ask your mom to marry me again."


"And I need your help with getting the proposal together."

"Pop this couldn't wait until later this morning," I asked.

"I guess my excitement got the best of me."


"You're my only son and it's only right for you to be my best man."

"What about uncle Reg?"

"He's going to walk your mama down the aisle I already asked him."

I nodded.

"I'll be honored to be your best man."

My pop smiled.

"Now I just gotta get my groomsmen lined up."

"Mama is going to have a hard time with picking her maid of honor."

"Yeah she is cause Jada and Niyah are going to fight hard for that spot."


"My jeweler will be flying in at 11:45."

"So when are you proposing," I asked.

"Tonight so I'll be back in 4 hours to pick you up cause we got a lot to do in a short amount of time."

"Now how are you going to get everything that you need done without mama being suspicious?"

My dad thought for a moment.

"I'm going to come up with something cause she's been on me since I had that heart attack."

"As she should."

"If you tell Meg please tell her to not tell Jordyn."

"I got you pop."

"Also your grandma is flying in as well at 7:45 so we gotta get her from the airport."

"Yes sir."

"Alright Ima go before-," my pop was cut off by his phone ringing.

"Too late see you later son."

We hugged and I walked my dad to the door as he talked with my mama. I made sure my dad was in his car safely and that he pulled off I locked the door and made my way back upstairs. I walked in the room closing the door behind me I removed my clothes and got back in the bed with Megan. I wrapped my arms around her pulling her body close to mine. I got about 4 hours of sleep left before my dad be back at the house hopefully I don't over sleep.

8:30 am

I just finished up with cooking breakfast and I sat Jaxson plate in front of him and prayed over his food and he began eating.

"Mhm goodmorning," Jaceyon spoke.

"Goodmorning I was just about to come and wake you up," I spoke.

"I smelled the breakfast all the way upstairs."

We kissed then I started fixing Jaceyon plate.

"What did pop want?"

"He's proposing to my mama again tonight and I'm going with him to set everything up, he asked me to be his best man and he said for you not to say anything to my mama."

"Okay I won't."

We sat down I prayed and we started eating.

"Have he picked out a ring yet?"

"Nah his jeweler is flying in at 11:45."

"Oh okay."

The doorbell rung Jaceyon said that he had the door so I continued on with eating.

"Papa Elliot is here," pop spoke as he walked into the kitchen.

"Papa," Jaxson spoke as he smiled at Elliot.

"Hey Jax."

"My favorite daughter in law."

We hugged.

"I'm your only daughter in law."

"Is there any breakfast left?"

"Yeah help yourself."

I finished eating and I walked over to the counter I grabbed Jaxson wipes and wiped his face. I placed our plates in the sink then I picked Jaxson up and made our way upstairs to Jaxson room. I sat Jaxson on his feet and walked into his bathroom to run his bath water.

"Babe you want me to take Jax with me," Jacyeon asked as he walked into the bathroom.

"Nah baby you spend time with your dad I got him."

"You sure?"

"Yeah we'll probably go meet up with Ki a lil later."


Jaceyon walked out of the bathroom once the tub was filled up where it needed to be I turned the water off and walked out of the bathroom.

"You ready to bathe babyboy?"


I smiled I walked over to Jaxson and picked him up we walked into the bathroom I closed the toilet lid down. I sat on the lid and stripped him out of his clothes and diaper then I placed him in the tub. I grabbed a few of Jax toys and placed them in the water for him.

"Baby me and my pop about to go," Jaceyon spoke.

"Okay baby."

He walked over to me and kissed me.

"I love you mama."

"I love you too daddy."

"I love you son."

"I wuv you too."

Jaceyon smiled and ruffled Jaxson curls. Jaceyon walked out of the bathroom and I bent down on the floor and gave Jaxson his bath. Once he was clean we walked out of the bathroom and into his room. I got Jaxson dressed then we walked into my room I sat Jaxson on the bed and turned on some cartoons. I then walked into my closet and found me something to wear after I got my outfit and shoes I walked out of the closet and into the bathroom. I sat everything on the counter I checked in on Jaxson then I closed the door and got in the shower.

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