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7 months later—September 18, 2021

Me and Megan decided to get married on our 2 year anniversary and instead of us waiting to do so next year we decided to go ahead and get married this year. Jaxson is now 7 months and is literally a mixture between me and Megan. We also decided to have a small and intimate wedding in Thailand with just our friends and family only. I felt someone touch my shoulder I looked back seeing Eric.

"You ready?"

"More than ready."

Eric nodded there was a knock at the door and my mom walked in looking beautiful as ever holding Jaxson.

"There's someone here who wants to see you."


"I can't say come and see."

I nodded and followed my mama out of the room we walked down the stairs and outside I closed the door then looked up seeing the man I thought I'll never see again.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk to you."

"For what?"

"To tell you the truth."

I turned to my mama.

"You invited him here?"

"I did you need to hear the complete truth and not from me."

"Are you two seeing each other again?"

"I'm going to go check on Megan," my mama spoke ignoring my question.

I turned back towards my father.

"I know you're pissed with me I get that."

I remained silent.

"I left y'all without a question your mother knew the reason why I left but I told her to lie to y'all."

I screwed up my face.

"Why lie why not tell us the truth?"

"Because at the time I thought that lying to y'all would be better than knowing the real truth."

"And what is the real truth?"

"I've been in prison for 20 years for something I did."

"Oh yeah what was that?"

"Drugs I was kingpin one of the biggest kingpins in the U.S. plus Haiti I was moving weight like no other and I finally went down by someone who I thought was my right hand man they tried to get me on murder charges and rape charges too but there was no evidence against me so they had me on the drug charges I was supposed to do life but with good behavior and me physically changing I got out a few weeks ago."

"You couldn't have mama to tell us this?"

"Honestly no I couldn't have y'all thinking of me any kind of way besides of what y'all seen of me a family man who then turned to drugs and left his family."

I shook my head.

"I did ten years myself because of drugs."

"I know your mother told me."

"So y'all been keeping in contact since then?"

"Absolutely I still love your mother and I know she still loves me but she love y'all even more so she suppressed her love for me for y'all sake and I don't blame her."

"We would've been better off knowing the truth pop not some lie."

"I know son and I'm sorry."

"Do Jayda and Janiyah know that you're out and they know the truth."

"They do."

"Why am I the last one to know the truth?"

"Because you're just like me you'll react before listening and I know I had to come and come correct with you and stand in front of you like the man I am and admit my truth and wrong."

Me and my pop relationship was good and we was close as hell when you seen my pop you seen me then one day he's gone and my mama telling us that he's been battling with drugs and decided to leave us and that broke me.

"I love y'all Jaceyon that never changes all I want is a second chance and do right like I should've done from get go."

"You got a red tux," I asked.

"I do."

"Well we got a wedding to attend we'll talk more later."

My pop nodded and we walked back inside of the venue. We got a lot of work to do we'll never be the same like before but we can make progress.

The tears are no longer flowing and I'm in a great headspace and I can't wait to walk down the aisle to marry Jaceyon. Mama Jordyn walked in with Jaxson I stretched my arms out and he gladly came and I kissed his chunky cheek.

"How you feeling baby?"

"I'm good now mama Jordyn."

"That's good."

Once again I had a moment where I broke down about my mama but instead of lashing out I just cried.

Jaxson is a mixture of myself and Jaceyon and is the perfect little boy Jaceyon is trying to get me pregnant again but that's not happening because I'm on birth control maybe in about 4-5 years but for now Jaxson is the only one.

"You know Holly is smiling down on you."

"Yeah I know."

There was a knock at the door and my uncle peeked in.

"Ladies are you ready?"


My uncle nodded and closed the door mama Jordyn got Jaxson back and Kiana walked over with my bouquet and handed it to me I thanked her.

We all walked out of the room and made our way down the stairs and out the door.


Me and my uncle Ray stood side by side as we waited on my turn to walk down the aisle.

"Everybody been talking about on how proud Holly is of you but everybody been forgetting about Mike."


My dad Michael died after I was born he was at the wrong place at the wrong time my dad died in a shootout.

"Now Mike is definitely proud of you and I know that for a fact."

I don't talk about my dad because I really have no memory of him just what my family told me about him.

"I just wished I would've met him ya know made memories with him but he was taken away from me way too early."

"That he was but Mike he loved you Megan and there's something I gotta give you from him but it'll be after the wedding."


I wonder what my dad left me my aunt Kenya said that my mom left me something too and I can't get it until after the wedding. I'll be back recording in the studio soon.

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