Chapter 1

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Two years later

Molly's POV

"Nice one, Psyche," Felix compliments, high-fiving me. I sit down beside him on the roof. "Want to look for anything else or are you done for now?"

"I'm done," I reply, "I have to get home to check on Petunia. She hasn't been out in a while."

"Has Luke told you when he's getting home yet?" Felix inquires, pulling his cheap mask off.

"Not for a few more days. 5SOS had a tour stop in Sydney added for yesterday. They're supposed to be visiting their families and maybe doing surprise pop up shows and radio interviews to promote Youngblood." He nods.

"Can you believe we're graduating in a week?"

"I can't believe I'm graduating at all," I snort, leaning back, "Between Tremor and his bullshit with his manufactured villains-"

"And you dying like ten million times and me almost dying a few here and there-" Felix jumps in.

"It's a miracle we've made it," I laugh. Felix grins and rests his head on my shoulder. I smile and stare out at the city. Felix's phone starts to ring, making him move to answer it.

"Hey mom," he starts. I listen in. I watch as his face screws up with emotion.

"What?" He yells, "What the h- Shockwave? I- Yeah, I'll tell her. Yeah, I'm gonna be home soon, mom. She has to leave anyway. We'll look into it. Bye mom. Love you." He hangs up, his shoulders tense.

"What's up?"

"My mom called. Apparently the police station got an anonymous email basically saying that they need to be prepared. That Shockwave is almost ready to strike. She wants us to look into it. She's thinking maybe a manufactured villain that got away from us."

"I'll go out later tonight and check it out," I sigh, standing up, "I'll text before I head out."

"I'll probably be able to come, but I'll let you know for sure."

I nod, "Bye Felix."

He hugs me, "Bye Molly." I flash him one last grin then take off running back toward mine and Luke's house.


"Petunia! My sweet girl," I laugh, dropping to the ground to pet her. She continues licking my face and trying to jump all over me. "Get down Piggy." I giggle loudly and push her off of me. She just keeps wriggling her body and crawling on top of me.

"Watch out baby," I warn, standing back up. I move to my closet to get changed. Petunia leaps up onto my bed and lays down, her head between her front paws. She watches as I quickly get changed out of my Psyche outfit and into boxers and a hoodie. I close my closet and grab my phone before the two of us head downstairs. Petunia and I make a pit stop in the kitchen to grab a water bottle and a bag of Reese's Cups before we head into the living room and flop down on the couch. I spread a blanket across my legs and Petunia hops up, snuggling between my legs. I grin and scratch between her ears, making her pant happily. I turn on the television, then lean back and close my eyes, ready to take a small nap before heading out again later.

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