Chapter 43

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Molly's POV

"Hey Molls," Luke greets, moving into my room. He climbs onto my bed beside me and Petunia.

"What's up?" I ask as I watch him scratch Petunia's ears.

"Are you feeling better? From the fight earlier?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty much healed up. My ribs are a little sore," I admit, shrugging.

"Why'd you come for us earlier, Molly? You didn't have your powers, and Aftershock and Shockwave both had their powers or tech, and- why'd you do it?"

"Because I knew that the police weren't going to get there in time for one. Also, I know them better than anyone else. I know how they think. It was my fight. Not to mention, it was you guys. I would've rather died than let them hurt you or put those goddamn coats on you all," I explain, smiling up at my older brother.

Luke smiles back, his eyes a little watery, "I just keep seeing you sneaking up and then getting the shit kicked out of you. I don't think I've ever been that scared. I can still hear your ribs snapping. What did we do to deserve you, Molly?"

"Shut the fuck up," I laugh. Luke joins in, grinning widely at me. Our laughter dies off, putting us in silence.

"So, uh," Luke starts a minute later, "You and Calum, huh?"

I groan loudly, covering my face with a pillow, "I'm begging you, spare me the older brother lecture. Please."

"I'm just trying to wrap my head around it," he defends, "I'm sorry it's taking a minute. So how long have you two been together?"

"Almost seven months. Calum and I came to the consensus that the first time we kissed counts as the start of our relationship, since that was before our first date."

"When was-"

"That night you guys were all gonna go out to dinner after your final recording for Want You Back. You three forgot and accidentally went out with your girlfriends. Calum showed up here and ended up hanging out with me," I reminisce, thinking back to that night in November.

"I forgot about that. Calum never brought it up," Luke tells me, frowning.

I laugh, "Well that's because we made out on the couch and didn't want you or the other two asking too many questions."

Luke wrinkles up his nose, "I didn't want to know that, Molly. Anyways, no wonder you were getting so jealous and upset when we were pushing Jaylyn on Calum." He pauses for a second. "Wait a second. When I made that joke about how he was probably with his girlfriend, and neither of you denied it-"

"Just stop there, Luke," I warn, "You don't want to continue. Trust me."

"That's fucking disgusting Molly," he laughs, "But way to score." I punch his shoulder. "In all seriousness though, I'm happy for you and Calum. No matter how weirded out I might be at times. I can tell he makes you really happy, and you do the same for him."

"Thanks Luke," I sigh, closing my eyes as I rest my head on his shoulder, "It means a lot."

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