Chapter 34

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Molly's POV

"Hey babe," Calum says softly, walking into my room. He closes the door behind him before moving onto my bed beside me. I move into the space between his legs, resting against his chest. He grabs both of my hands, interlocking our fingers. He leans down and kisses the top of my head.

"Is Luke still talking to mum and dad?" I inquire. They came over a couple hours ago and hugged and scolded me some before Luke cut in to try to calm them  down and explain my behavior. I went up to my room and have been sitting up here ever since.

"Yeah," Calum answers, "They weren't really understanding the whole thing and why you left." I nod, listening to his heart thump steadily.

"I'm sorry that our after graduation plans got fucked up," I whisper, my voice cracking.

"Molly," he sighs, "It's not your fault. I'm not even worried about that. I'm worried about you."

"Why?" I mumble, seemingly unable to find any energy.

"You're getting bad again, Molly, like how you were after Drew died, and you came here. I don't want you to get that depressed again, because we were all so worried about you." I turn over, wrapping my arms around his torso. He rubs my back.

"I just- I don't even know. I don't want my life to change, and it's all upside down now. My name is all over the news now, and people are gonna be following me, and everyone knows my powers are gone, so bad guys are gonna start attacking you guys, and I can't protect you all and the city anymore like I should be."

"It's not your job to protect us, Molly. I know you think it is, and I know you think if you don't, no one will, but it'll all be okay. I promise baby." I sniffle, still clinging to his tee shirt.

"I bet you don't think I'm so amazing anymore," I mumble, feeling miserable. He squeezes me tighter. I glance up and see the frown on his face.

"What the hell, Molly?" Calum demands, "You're the most fucking badass person I know. It wasn't your powers that made you amazing." I blink back tears. He sighs and kisses the top of my head again. "Let's go on a date."


"Come on. Right now. I'm gonna help cheer you up some." Calum gets up, trying to pull me up off of my bed.


"For me? Please." I give in, letting him pull me off of my bed and out of my room. We head downstairs.

"Hey Luke," Cal calls, "I'm gonna take Molly and Petunia out for a little bit. We'll be back later." Luke flashes us a thumbs up, then walks back into the kitchen to continue talking with our parents. I watch as Calum grabs Petunia's leash and hooks it to her collar. He brings us both outside and puts her in the backseat of his car.

"Where are we going, babe?" I question, a small smile making its way onto my lips as I stare at the excitement written all over his face.

"We are gonna swing by my place really fast to get Duke," he answers, backing out of our driveway, "Then you'll see." He turns on the radio then interlaces our fingers as we drive to his house.

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