Chapter 19

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Molly's POV

"Hey Molly," someone greets. I glance down and see Jack climbing through my window and making his way up onto the roof beside me. I give him a small smile. "What's up?"

"Just thinking," I reply, shrugging, "I like coming up here to think. It's quiet."

He nods, staring out at the lights of the city, "You know, mum and dad were really freaking out about this trip as soon as we started planning it."


He laughs, "They were scared to come see you. The last time we saw you was three years ago, and you weren't in a good place. None of us really knew what you were gonna be like. Not to mention, we only ever knew you with Drew. Mum and dad have had a hard time accepting that she's gone. They still have your guys' old room set up. I think, in a way, they see you as her."

"I know," I admit, "Drew had kind of a big, overshadowing personality. Mum and dad never really saw me, so they don't know what to expect with me. They project how they thought she was onto me and expect me to be that way. I'm used to it."

"You shouldn't have to, Molly," Jack frowns. I shrug. We fall quiet.

"You've got something on your neck," Jack tells me, breaking the quiet. My hand instantly flies up, trying to cover my hickey. Dammit Calum. He laughs at my reaction.

"Please don't tell the others," I beg, "Especially not Luke. He'll never let it go, and I-"

"I won't Molly," Jack assures me, "I swear. But you might wanna cover it because mum and dad still think that Drew was a little angel. The last thing anyone needs is them seeing that and bringing up Drew, because all hell will break loose then."

I raise an eyebrow, surprised by his words, "You know about Drew's... activities?"

Jack laughs, "Mine and Luke's room was right beside yours and Drew's. I couldn't hear everything, but I did hear her saying some pretty awful shit to you all the time. I'm sorry for not sticking up for you. It's just- you didn't seem like you really wanted help and with what Drew was saying to you, especially in the last few months-"

I shrug, "I don't think she would've stopped, even if you did say something. She didn't really care. The last few months, she was really- not in control of herself. I don't know." He nods, a frown still on his face. We sit in silence for another few minutes.

"Hey Molly?" Jack calls, getting my attention.

I turn to face him, "Hmm?

He takes a deep breath, still staring out a the city, "You're Psyche, aren't you?" I don't even care.

I nod, "Yeah."

"Does Luke know?"

"Yeah. All four boys, Sierra, my best friend, and his mum all know. The boys found out after my first "big fight" with Tremor a couple years ago. Sierra found out the day you guys got here."

"That's so fucking cool, Molly. You're a superhero. You're like Captain Marvel."

I laugh and rest my head on his shoulder, "That's not even close to being true. Besides, I'm getting less and less super everyday. My powers are just, not working anymore lately."

"Do you know-"

"No," I cut in. He nods, still frowning.

"Hey guys," Luke calls, poking his head out through my window, "Mum and dad wanna have family game night."

"Come on," Jack tells me, climbing down carefully. I follow inside, trying to prepare myself for the lecture.

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