Chapter 18

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Molly's POV

I left Calum's house before the sun came up. I didn't sleep all night and don't want to have to talk to him about my powers this morning, which I know he'll be inquiring about. I left a note saying Jack and Ben were wondering where I was, packed up my Psyche stuff, and left. That was ten minutes ago. I sigh and continue walking down the empty LA sidewalk.

About halfway home, I get really tired and decide to find a quiet place to take a nap since it's gonna be loud as fuck as soon as my brothers wake up and Luke gets home. I duck down and alley and glance around before flying up on a roof. I land and get changed into my Psyche clothes, just in case anyone wanders up here. It's easier to be Psyche and say I feel asleep while patrolling than it is to explain how Molly Hemmings even got on the roof in the first place.

I tie my mask and put my bookbag on the ground against the ledge before laying down and resting my head on it. I sigh contently and close my eyes before drifting off to sleep.


When I wake up, it's getting dark again. The sun is setting over the horizon and the pale pink and purple dusk sky is setting in. I rub my eyes and check my phone. Oh fuck.

Hundreds of missed calls and texts from the boys, mum dad, Felix, Chief Owens, Sierra, Crystal, KayKay, Jack, and Ben. I swear to myself and text the group chat with 5SOS saying I was on patrol all afternoon. Someone texts back, but I already put my phone away. I glance around some more, kind of shocked I slept so long. I hadn't realized how long it's been since I actually got a decent amount of sleep. I sigh softly and stand up, grabbing my bag. As I put it on my back, I notice a shadow shift on the other side of the roof. I will my blue energy to activate. A blue glow dances around my surroundings. I see the silhouette and my heart nearly stops. Shockwave. She grins maliciously and disappears. I take a step and wince. Glancing down, I see a new cut on my leg. Fuck. She must've gotten me while I was asleep. But why didn't she just kill me? My stomach flips nervously. I swallow hard and turn to head home.


"Molly shouldn't have been out all day without answering anyone, Luke!" I hear mum tell Luke. I bite my lip and close my eyes, wanting to hear this.

"She's not a helpless kid, mum. She was fine," Luke defends.

"She-" Her voice disappears. I frown and focus harder. "-shouldn't have-" It cuts off again but doesn't come back again. Fuck. There went another power. I swallow hard and blink back tears as I get changed into shorts and a tee shirt. I climb through my window and up onto the roof, needing to calm down and be away from others.

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