Chapter 11

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Molly's POV

"You got lost?" Dad repeats, clearly not believing my lie, "In the middle of an earthquake? When everyone was running in the same direction?"

I shrug, "I didn't see you guys. I wasn't exactly paying attention to where everyone was while the whole building was shaking." Mum sighs, her way of telling dad to just drop it. I resist grinning. Point Molly.

"Anyways, what's for dinner?" Jack cuts in, trying to remove some of the obvious tension in traffic room.

"In-N-Out?" Luke suggests. Mum and dad nod. I shrug again.

"Sounds good," Ben agrees, "Let's go."


"They were really worried about you earlier, Molly," Luke tells me, sitting on my bed, "That's why they were flipping out."

"What'd you tell them as my cover story?" I ask, putting my phone down. I lean against the wall as I watch Luke.

"Nothing," he shrugs, "I just said I turned around, and you weren't there anymore. Mum and dad made us search the area for like thirty minutes."

"Sorry," I apologize, "But thanks for kind of covering for me."

"If you aren't careful, they're gonna find out. I mean, it's not exactly super hard to put the pieces together. You disappear before Psyche has an event and right after an earthquake. It's kind of very obvious, Molls."

I snort and roll my eyes, "I did the same stuff back before you, Cal, Mikey, and Ash knew and none of y'all put it together. You four were just convinced I was selling drugs."

Luke blushes, "Well you hid your secret a lot better back then."

"I literally made the gun float towards us in the diner that time. There weren't any other teenage girls in that place at the same time as us. You four are just completely oblivious. I can only hope mum, dad, Ben, and Jack are the same way," I comment, "I don't mean to sound like a horrible person, but I wish they'd just go home. Or I wish I could figure out Shockwave. She's working with someone, you know. I talked to Chief Owens and Felix earlier after the fight."

"And?" He presses, moving over beside me.

"She's convinced it's this escaped convict guy, Clint Perone. Apparently he's a Tremor enthusiast. No proof other than his goons were with Shockwave earlier during the fight and apparently, they're loyal to him only. Owens thinks they've teamed up to get revenge on me for killing Tremor."

Luke's frown deepens, "But why is this Shockwave chick after you? I mean, if Clint is a Tremor psychopath, then he kind of makes sense. But why is she going after you too? What'd you do to her?"

"Excellent question, Lucas," I reply, making him flick my forehead. I push him away.

"Are you going to check on this lead tomorrow? Mum, dad, and Ben are supposed to be going on some boat tour thingy in San Diego, so they'll be gone all day. Jack is going for a hike with me, Ash, KayKay, and Sierra. You'll be free of family."

I shake my head no, "I already have plans."

Luke smirks, "A date with your boyfriend?" I raise an eyebrow, a small smirk growing on my lips. Oh Luke. You didn't even know how right you are.

"How is Felix anyways?" He continues. Wrong there though. I punch his arm, making him cackle loudly.

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