Chapter 23

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Molly's POV

"Where'd you disappear to last night, Calum?" Ashton asks as he eats, "You just vanished. We all figured you went home."

"He was probably with his girlfriend," Luke says nonchalantly, a small smirk on his lips. I rest my forehead against my hand. Here we fucking go.

Calum nearly spits his beer out, "What?"

"Yeah, what?" Michael pipes up.

"Molly told me all about her, Calum," Luke bluffs.

"Tell us what you told him," Ashton demands, his eyes bright.

Calum glances at Luke, then at me, "Yeah Molly, tell us exactly what you told him." He sends me a gaze which basically conveys something along the lines of, what the actual fuck?

I wince, "I just said that Calum told me he was already talking to someone, so you should stop trying to force that other girl on him."

"I wouldn't want her to get jealous or anything," Calum agrees, staring me in the eye with a stupid smirk on his face. Cocky ass motherfucker. I bite my lip.

"Who is it?" Michael questions, staring at me. I shrug. They turn their attention to Calum, who catches my eye. I shake my head no slightly, my heart racing. I'm not ready yet. We're not ready yet. Luke will flip. Not to mention, mum, dad, and the boys are still here, and they'll all flip. I get dizzy at the thought.

Calum just simply shakes his head no, making the other three boys groan loudly. I let out the breath I had been holding in.

"Dude," Luke whines, "Come on."

Calum shakes his head no again, "Not a chance. Besides, this is supposed to be Molly's graduation dinner. I really doubt she wants to listen to this." The other three groan, but give in and change the subject.


"Want me to drive you over to Felix's?" Luke asks as I grab my backpack out of his car.

I shake my head no, "I wanna walk and think. I've gotta try to calm down some before tomorrow."

Luke laughs and pulls me into a tight hug, "God, I'm so proud of you, Molly. I know how hard you've worked these past three years and how rough it was for you, especially at the beginning."

"Thank you, Luke," I whisper, holding my brother tightly, "I love you."

"I love you too. Text me when you get to Felix's house." I nod and watch as he climbs into his car and drives back home. Ashton and Michael both left already as well. Calum, however, was waiting for me over by a random car.

"How'd you convince them to let you just walk home?" I laugh, slipping my hand into his.

"I told Mikey and Ash I was riding with Luke, and Luke I was riding with them. Are you coming over tonight?" He asks, sounding kind of hopeful.

I sigh, "I can't. I'm going to Felix's."

"Skip it, baby," he tempts, "Come stay with me. I promise I'll get you to graduation in time."

I giggle and lean against his arm, "I can't, Calum. Chief Owens knows I'm supposed to be coming over. Felix will cover for me, but she won't. Maybe after graduation though." He sucks in a deep breath.

"So why did you almost reveal us to Luke?" Calum inquires, smiling down at me. We make a left and cross the street. I slow my pace, not wanting to get to Felix's any sooner.

"You didn't see that Jaylyn girl, Calum," I mumble, "She's so pretty, and Luke wouldn't listen to me when I was saying you seemed uncomfortable. I panicked."

Calum stops and moves so he's in front of me. He takes my other hand, leaning closer to my body, "Molly, you know I'm yours right?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Uh uh," Cal cuts in, "No buts." I blush wildly and kiss him. We break apart a moment later and go back to walking down the sidewalk. "Besides, Jaylyn wasn't that pretty."

"You saw her?"

"Ash was drunk off his ass and accidentally sent me the picture instead of the group chat last night," he explains, "She's cute and all, but you're like, a billion times better in my eyes."

"God I wish I didn't have to go to Felix's right now," I mumble, "Do you think I can get them to push graduation back a day?" Calum laughs and shakes his head no. I sigh softly as we stop outside of my best friend's apartment building.

"Goodnight babe," Calum whispers to me, his lips inches from my neck, "I can't wait for after graduation tomorrow." I whimper softly, making him laugh more. I push his chest away, flicking him off as I walk into the building.

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