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You see. It was Tonys idea. He said it would be fun ti do team bonding. He said it would be fun to go camping. HE convinced the team to go on the camping trip. I blame him for this situation right now.

Currently, Clint and Nat were talking, Steve was telling Sam and Bucky to stop fighting, Tony and Bruce were aruging, and I was lost. Honestly, if it werent for my enhanced senses being able to hear over a 50 mile radius (random number), I wouldnt be able to know what was going on in the group. So here I was. How do you even lose someone when you are walking right next to them? I have been lost for 30 minutes, and they haven't noticed. I mean really? Im surprised Mr. Stark or Bruce didnt notice, I was right nect to them. Well, then again, once they started aruging i moved towards the back of the group bur i was inbtween Steve and them. How did Steve lose me? He did role call before we left! Your probably thinking, ig you can hear them just follow the sound and get nack to them. Easy, right? Wrong. I tried that, i just got more lost. Their voices sound like they were coming from the North so i went North and then I remebered we were walking East so then J went North East, in other words, I just got more lost.

I decided to try to find the campsites, maybe its closer that I thought. I started walking in no certain direction. Just trying to see is I could find the campsite. I could hear the others, Bruce and tony had stopped fighting. Thats good I guess, but still no campsite. I thought I found it when I came to another walking path, but alas, the two paths just merged further down the road. I was frustrated. I lost my family, i had no way of contacting them and the campsite was nowhere to be seen. I had almost given up hope when.

"Peter!" Mr. Stark called out. I turned around to see the group I had been looking for right behind me.

"I thought I lost you guys!" I sighed, relived. Running over to Mr. Stark amd gave him a hug.

"Mind telling us why you thought you lost us?"

"I looked away for 5 seconds and when I looked back you guys were gone. I mustve stopped when I was looking away. I then proceeded to freak out as to how i lost you guys and after a few moments I tried to find you guys but I ended uo getting more lost, so then I tried to find the campsite and now here we are." I was talking a mile a minute and would honestly be surprised if any of them made out what I said.

"Well, young man, you sure had us worried when Capsicle, stopped yelling at Frosty and bird boy over there he noticed you werent with us anymore."

At least they hadnt forgotten about me like I thought.

A/N: Im sorry if this is bad and Im sorry for not uploading in awhile ive been testing new waters aka avengers x reader, groupchats and preferences and havent done many Irondad things or uploaded on anything else really, so Im sorry and hope you all had a wonderful day! :)

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