"Your not the only one with secrets, Mr. Rogers."

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Im not dead. Surprising I know. Part 3 to "A field Trip Gone Rogue" because I got hella inspired by the request. Also.. I almost have 100k reads on this and I don't deserve it.

Peter liked to think he was civil. Well, most of the time. He had gotten accustomed to having the Rogues around the tower. He didn't mind them at all. Except for one. Steven Rogers. Peter tried to ignore him at all costs, despite Tony saying that he should try to get along with him.  More often than not though, Peter found himself making sure Steve was in line. After his little... threat, he was sure he would have nothing to worry about, but you could never be too cautious. 

Steve's routine was a simple one. He took a morning run before breakfast and then ate. Then he stayed in his room, probably reading or something. Then he would come out for lunch, go workout, eat supper, take a shower, go to bed and repeat. Peter wasn't exactly sure what he did in his room though, and that bugged him.

Normally, Peter would've kept to himself but this was Steve Rogers, Captain America himself. Peter wasn't sure why he wanted to know what he was doing in his own privacy. He hated the dude and already had enough dirt on him to get him kicked out. So why did he want to invade Steve's privacy? Peter couldn't find the exact answer but it was probably so history didn't repeat itself.

 **FLASHBACK - 3 years ago**

Peter parker was an ordinary kid. He had  good grades ad one bet friend who he wouldn't trade for the world. Like all the other kids, he had a superhero he looked up to. Captain America. Peter just loved him so much, yet he had no idea why. he liked his bravery sure but there was something else about him. 

Peter was 12 when he thought that, nothing  much had changed in one year. He was thirteen now. he had a vague idea of why he thought that Steve was different. You could relate to him. He knew how hard it was to being able to follow your dreams. he knew how hard it is to lose your best friend. Or go to a new place because he also experienced that. he lost his bestfriend, he almost wasn't able to follow his dream of fighting and becoming stronger, he woke up in a modern day time and  had no idea who anyone was, similar to moving. Peter found that nice, knowing that a superhero new how some people felt.

Peter had forgotten to take into fact that superheros, aren't all as good as they seem. Peter took the long way home that day, maybe he shouldn't have.. maybe things could be different. It wasn't too late out, only about 6, since he had Knowledge Bowl practice after school. However, it was still dark out. The neighborhood he passed through wasn't the best. It was really sketchy and if Peter could've avoided it, he would've. But they were tearing up the sidewalk on his regular route and this was the only other way he knew how to get home. 

The neighborhood had quite a few alleys. Some had people some didn't. Peter didn't really pay attention. until..

"Yes, sir."

Peter stopped walking.

''I have the merchandise."

"Wait. isn't that Captain Americas voice?' Peter thought.

"Got them cheaper than expected, too."

Peter looked around the corer, and saw Captain America holding a weapon. What kind he was sure, but it wasn't a shield like he normally had. Peter left right after.

The construction still wasn't done in a week so Peter continued through the sketchy place. He never thought he would run into Steve again. He had sunglasses on and he was with a man Peter had never seen before. He had blond hair the almost looked like he was going gray. He too was wear shades so Peter didn't get any other describing factors. Other than the small red symbol on his black coat. 

**END OF FLASHBACK - present time**

Peter had kept tabs on Steve from then on. He had looked into the symbol. HYDRA. Why would someone against the place meet with the head of the organization? Peter to this day wasn't sure if Steve did it intentionally or not. At least, he didn't. Until he figured out that he was trying to get Bucky back. He betrayed every hero and SHIELD to get his friend back. Honestly, Peter was kind of amazed he would do it and even more so that he never got caught. As far as Petr could tell, he cut ties with HYDRA about a year ago after the so called "Civil War." Still, Peter was careful.

So here Peter was, just making sure that Steve wasn't talking with HYDRA again. Not that he would have any motive to, he got Bucky back. Peter was about to leave when Steve came in.

Damn, I thought I had a couple more minutes.. stupid Stark Tech, Peter thought.

"Uh, what are you doing in here?" Steve asked, slowly. 

So , he's cautious huh?  Peter smirked. Good.

"Just checking stuff out. You have a lovely room, Steven."

Steve swallowed hard before managing a small thank you.

"Don't be so worried Rogers! Keep up the good behavior no one will no what I do." Peter wasn't sure if Steve knew he knew about HYDRA or if he was hiding something else Peter had no idea about, but his statement seemed to do the trick for Steve. "After all, you're not the only one with secrets, Mr.Rogers

And with that Peter excused himself.

So... what did you think? Its one in he morning so Im not sure how good it is but oh well. I feel like Im going to get either Steve hate or bashed for his motive or both bu again I say oh well. Im not planning on making a part 4 unless you guys want one so.. let me know. Im also going t try to do requests next week.. so... yeah. Anyway thanks for reading! 


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