Part 11

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Siddhant was really surprised on Roli telling about their marriage.

Sid: My marriage with you.  What are you telling?

Roli: Dont play with me like this? I cant understand anything.  First tell me where are we going when we have our marriage tomorrow.  

Sid: Will you please keep quiet & come.  

Roli: What do you mean?  You are taking me somewhere away from my home & i should keep quiet.  How it is possible?

Sid: Oh god!  let me tell you i am not the person you are thinking.  There is some misunderstanding.

Roli: I saw you very well on that day when you came to my house to see me.  I dont have any doubt. 

Sid: No I have never come to your house earlier.

Roli: Oh!  Then who you are.  Where are you taking me now?

Sid: I am taking you far away for some time.

Roli: Far away for some time.  What do you mean & why?

SId: Why i dont know?  I have been told to do that by my gang leader.

Roli: Gang leader!!! Which gang?  who is your leader?

SId: I am a gangster and I have been told to kidnap you and keep you far away for some days.

Roli: What!!!

Sid: Yes.  That is the fact.  I dont know who you are talking about.  

Roli: Please stop the vehicle.  I will get down.

SId: DO you think i am a mad to stop the vehicle & let you escape.

ROli: Oh NO!  Where i am struck?  Help... Help...

Sid; NO use on you shouting.  NO one is around and we have come very long way far from your place.

Roli tried to open the door & window of the vehicle.

But all locked and she was unable to do anything.

Sid: Can you please sit quiet.

Roli: I cant.  How dare you?  Please stop the vehicle.

Roli tried to hold the steering.

Sid was trying to take her hand.  But she was not keeping quiet.

Sid gave a tight slap on her face.

Roli faint in few seconds.

Sid went in search of nice place without anyone almost like a forest with trees & plants.

There they found a small house in the middle.

Sid stopped the vehicle there and went inside to see anyone is there.

But no one was found inside.

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