Part 12

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Roli at BW house wake up & saw Sid was still sleeping in the sofa.

Roli admired him for a while as she cant meet his eyes when he is awake.

ROli got up from the bed and went to take bath.

Roli came back taking bath while Sid just wake up.

ROli: I will bring tea for you.

Sid: Ok thanks.

Sid went to brush his teeth.

ROli went to kitchen.

Sujatha: Roli, welcome to the kitchen.

ROli: Thanks.

Sujatha: You want tea.  I will prepare.

Roli: Maaji, why you need to prepare when i am here.

Sujatha: OK.  you can find the tea powder & sugar there.

Sujatha showed the place.

ROli prepared tea.

Roli also gave a cup to Sujatha, Rajender & Mataji.

She took two cups of tea to their room.

When ROli entered the room, Siddhant was doing exercises wearing tshirt without sleeves and shorts.

Roli was feeling shy to see him.

Roli down her eyes.  SHe was wondering how to call him.

So she went near him with the cup of tea while Siddhant turned his hands doing exercise which poured all the tea on her hands & saree itself.

Sid: Dont you see i am doing exercise, then why you bring the tea cup near me.  

Roli: Sorry i thought of giving the cup to you.

SId: In that case, why cant you call from there itself?

Roli: I was wondering how to call you.

Sid: You dont know how to call me.  You can call same Idiot like you said on that day.

Roli: Which day?

Sid: so how many days & how many persons you called idiot in your life that you cant remember which day & which person?

Roli: Sorry i cant understand what you are telling.

While conversing, Siddhant noticed that her hands turned pink due to hot tea pour on her.

Sid: Leave that.  you poured hot tea on you.  wont you atleast feel burning

Roli: Its ok.  I will manage.  You take the other tea kept there.

Roli went to washroom and washed her saree & hands.

Roli was thinking, may be that Roli might have told him like that.  That is why he is angry on me.

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