Part 38

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Note :  Roli from orphanage will be called as Roli1
Gangster Sid will be Sid1
Roli with parents will be Roli2
Sid with parents will be Sid2

Roli1 & Sid2 are a pair
Roli2 & Sid1 are a pair


ROSID danced till they got tired and at last came down from the stage and went to their seats.

They were completely sweat and taking long breathe.

Sid2: Bhabhi, you rock.  You are dancing very well.  i never expect.

Roli2: jiju, of course i am a dancer and did performed in college too.  You too dance very well.  I too never expect.

They shake hands together.

Sid1 was feeling jealous.

Sid1: Roli, shall we go to have dinner.

Roli2: Siddhant, it takes some time for me to get my breathe normal and relax from dancing.  I will eat later.  If you feel hungry, you proceed having food.  Please...

Sid2: Yes.  ROli, you too go and have food.  I too will take some more time to eat.

Sid1 & Roli1 were upset

Sid1 was thinking, ROli i dont expect this from you.  Since we met each other, we never had food separate & now you are telling me to eat.  Its ok.  If you are not bothered then why should i.

Sid1 went to have dinner.

Roli1 was thinking, Siddhantji, i never thought you will avoid me like this.  When did I had dinner without you after our marriage.  But now suddenly you changed a lot.

Roli1 eyes were filled with tears.  She left the place to have dinner.

Roli2 & Sid2 were not knowing all the thoughts flowing on their dears.

They were discussing on the dance they performed with each other.

They enjoyed on knowing about their dance talents, their previous dance performances, how they learn, how they developed.

Their discussion were continuing for some more time.

They were not aware how long it was.

All relatives started going home.

Love is CrazyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora