Part 18

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Roli went to kitchen & started helping sujatha in cooking.

Siddhant was on deep thinking.

He was waiting for roli.

Roli came to their room finishing the cooking.

Roli was tensed that he should not ask her anything.

Roli thought he will be getting ready for office

But he was sitting in the sofa reading newspaper.

Roli body started shivering.

Roli went to take the bed sheet for washing. She was walking few steps while sid called roli.

Sid:roli.. Come here.

Roli dropped the bed sheet on the floor in fear.

Sid went to lock the door.

Roli was getting nervous and started sweating

Sid; I told to come here

Roli got afraid and facing down walk towards him.

Sid: sit here.

Roli sat beside him leaving some space.

Sid: tell me which college you are studying? Which graduation? When are you joining back in the college?

Roli got no reply on any.

Her tension & nervousness were increasing.

Sid: why are you silent? Tell me.

Roli: I am sorry.

Roli started crying

Sid was surprised.

Sid: roli why are you crying? Why are you not having any answer? Why you ask sorry now?

Roli understood she can't escape anymore.

Roli: the time has come to tell you the truth.

Sid: which truth?

Roli: the truth. The reality of mine. I don't know what will you feel & how you will react? But I don't wish & I can't hide this anymore with you.

Sid: roli can you talk clearly what it is? I can't understand.

Roli started telling about her life in orphanage, then the day she quit from there, then in the temple meeting jamanlal, then gauri, their affection, then suddenly their marriage.

Roli: I have told you all the truth now. I don't intend to hurt any one. But only in search of my affection. When I got the one which I was searching for, I was unable to deny.

Roli started crying.

Siddhant was ultimately shocked.

He went to take bath.

While taking bath he was thinking, then the actual roli is kidnapped by prema and kept somewhere. Oh what mistake I have done. What might have happened to her? What happens when she return. How others going to accept all these truths..

He came out taking bath.

Sid did not plan to go to office in this confusion.

He just wear a shorts & sleeveless T-shirt and sat in the sofa.

Roli was still crying.

Sid was one way feeling guilt that all because of him. This roli is just innocent girl longing for affection.

Sid: roli why are you crying? Nothing will happen or get rectified by crying.

Roli: are you angry with me? Will you tell me to go out of your house? Out of your life?

Sid: roli, we can't say anything who is right & who is wrong. But I am sure you are not wrong.

Roli; then will you forgive me

Sid: you have not done anything to forgive you. If someone is at fault then it is me only.

Roli: what is mistake of yours in this?

Sid: I can't tell you now. But I need to see the solution for that.

Roli: I can't understand what you said. But will you keep you in your house. I don't have any place or people to go.

Sid: where can I send my wife?

Roli was pleasantly surprised on hearing this.

Roli:don't you feel that uneducated orphan have become your wife

Sid: you may be uneducated. I know how can I educate you. You are no more orphan when I am here.

Sid forward his hands and roli rushed into his hands.

Roli started crying on his shoulders.

Sid: roli you should not cry. Look at me.

Roli look at his face.

Sid wipe her tears.

Sid: roli, I love you

Roli: I love you too siddhantji

Roli rushed to his shoulders again.

Sid forward his hands to wrap around her.

Roli too slowly raise her hands to wrap around sid.

Rosid were enjoying their first hug after their love confession

After sometime..

Roli: siddhantji, I thought you will be angry on knowing about my truth. But surprised that you love me now after knowing my truth

Sid: roli, truly speaking I was not interested in the marriage with that roli as we got a clash before that. But when I saw you in the marriage hall, immediately I felt like you are not that girl who I dislike. Also I started getting attracted towards you. In fact I am happy on knowing about your truth. I like your innocence. I already started liking you.

Roli: I love you as soon as I saw in the hall. But was feeling guilt on hiding my truth from you. 

Sid: well so you love me already. But not told me till now.

Roli: how can I tell you? When I go speechless on seeing you.

Sid: roli, I too went speechless when I saw you today morning...

Roli rushed to hold him further telling by keeping her finger on his mouth.

Sid wink his eyes while roli blushed...

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