Part 21

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Sid was on her lap 

Roli was caressing his hair.

He feel excited on getting his love.

The rain was increasing & climate were more worst.

Rosid were unable to bear the coolness.

Roli was shivering.

Sid got up from her lap.

He hug her tightly.

They wrap the shawl around them.

Roli went more tighter to compete with the climate.

Now no gap is left between them.

Rosid look at each other.

Sid eyes piers through her.

Roli blushed.

Sid kissed on her forehead, then eyes, then nose, then cheeks.

He looked at her.

Roli too kissed on Hus forehead, eyes, nose & then cheeks.

Rosid had eye lock.

After a while they moved towards each others lips.

They enjoyed the moment for long.

Rosid spent the whole night sharing their body heat with a tight hug & exchanging kisses.

Slowly rain stopped by early morning & sun rays started warming the place.

Rosid relaxed the hug and looked at each other.

Sid: roli..thanks a lot

Roli: thanks for what

Sid:1st for accepting my love, then for allowing me to hug, then for the beautiful kisses. 

Sid gave a smile.

Roli blushed.

Roli: then I too need to thank you.

Sid: well. You can thank me & you are welcome.

Sid forward his hands to welcome her again.

Roli slightly push him and moved from there.

Roli came outside the house & saw the beautiful plants & trees with water droplets.

Sid came behind her and back hug her.

Roli: siddhant see how beautiful the water droplets filled trees & plants are.

Sid: roli, you enjoy the beauty of those while I enjoy the beauty of my excited roli.

Roli look at him & smiled.

Roli: siddhant are you not satisfied with the hug the whole night

Roli asked with a smile.

Sid: not at all. I am ready to hug & admire you day & night.

Roli: then who will do the others works. 

Roli turned towards him.

Roli: let me prepare something hot to eat.

Roli tried to move from there.

Sid got upset.

Roli hold a while & gave a kiss on his cheeks.

Roli: I am only going for few minutes, then will come to you.

Rosid smiled.

Then went to kitchen.

Sid: roli why can't we have fruits today.

Roli: siddhant..

Roli pretend to be angry.

Sid: roli you know I am a fighter & you show angry face to me!!!

Roli: let me see what this fighter will do me.

Sid: this fighter is thinking of doing so many things if you allow.

He gave a mischievous smile.

Roli: nothing more than hug & kiss before the time comes.

Sid: when the times comes.

Roli: once we achieve in our life.

Sid: achieve? What to achieve?

Roli: will tell you once we finish this forest life.

Sid: that's all

Roli: yes that's all. Won't you wait for me.

Sid; roli I was just kidding. I am ready to wait the whole life.

Roli: whole life? Siddhant have mercy on me. I can't wait that long.

Sid was surprised.

Sid: roli what you said?

Sid look into her eyes.

Roli blushed and hide her face on his chest. 

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