Part 46

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Note :  Roli from orphanage will be called as Roli1
Gangster Sid will be Sid1
Roli with parents will be Roli2
Sid with parents will be Sid2

Roli1 & Sid2 are a pair
Roli2 & Sid1 are a pair


Sid2 went to his room from Terrace.

Roli1 was waiting for him.

Sid went to comb his hair.

Roli was sitting in the sofa looking at him thinking as unnoticed by him.

Sid: ROli, how long you will look at me from there?

Roli: Nothing like that

Sid: Nothing.  Do you think I dont know you looking at me from there?  Come here.

ROli got up and walk towards him slowly.

SId: Stand in front of me, come close to my face and admire me as you wish.

ROli blushed.

Roli: I cant do that.

Sid: Roli whatever i tell you.  Your first reply is you cant.  

Roli: You are telling such things which i cant do so easily.  Thats why.

He kept the comb and pulled her close to him.

He hold her hip.

On his finger touch on her hip, her face turned pink.

Sid: Roli, look at me.

Roli lift her face slightly and blushed.

Sid: Roli I am very happy today.

ROli: Happy because marriage is there right

Sid: That is there.  But I am happy because tonight i am going to...

ROli hide her on his shoulders and hug him tightly.

SId: Roli i love you so much.

ROli: Siddhantji... I love you too.

Sid; ROli,  you are daughter-in-law of the house and got no responsibility.

ROli: Siddhantji...

SId: See Maaji is taking care of work in the kitchen while you are doing romance with your husband.

Roli: I am sorry.  I am going now.

ROli tried to leave the place while Sid hold her hands.

Sid: ROli, how innocent you are?  WHy cant you reply that I am only holding & romancing with you.

ROli: How can I tell you like that?

Sid: Then who else will tell for you.  

Roli: I got no guts to talk to you like that.

Sid: Roli do you know I like that shyness & hesitation on you very much.

ROli: Is it?  Are you not angry with me because of this?

SId: WHy should i be angry with my Roli?  Now tell me what you like on me.

ROli:  Your eyes.  I cant meet your eyes.

Sid:Shall I tell you what i like on you.

ROli: Hmmm

SId told on her ears and Roli blushed..

Roli pushed him slightly and ran from there to Kitchen to help Sujatha.

Sid smiled.

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