Part 89

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Note :  Roli from orphanage will be called as Roli1
Gangster Sid will be Sid1
Roli with parents will be Roli2
Sid with parents will be Sid2

Roli1 & Sid2 are a pair
Roli2 & Sid1 are a pair


Roli2 & Sid1 reached the hill station with thier babies.

There they enjoyed with their babies a lot.

The climate was very cool.

The atmosphere was very beautiful.

ROSID after very long time spent time together for them.

They played with babies when they are awake.

When the babies slept they talk to each other and also enjoyed the moments together.

Sid1: Roli, you know how happy i came to you for telling some good news.  But unwantedly some girl topic started & misunderstanding happend between us.

Roli2: Siddhant, just leave that misunderstanding and now tell me what is that good news is about.

Sid1: Now our classes owner/incharge is aged and he wish to take rest.  So he is willing to handover the classes itself to me.

Roli2: Is it.  How glad news & why you delayed to tell this to me.

Sid1; I wanted to share this good news when we are very happy.  But between that so many happend

ROli2: I am sorry... 

Sid1: Its ok.  Leave it.  No need to say sorry to me. 

Roli2: I am very happy to hear this.

SId1: Roli, but you remember one thing.  I still know how i was before you come to my life and how you mould me to this extent.  Dont ever think that I will leave you or have any interest on anyone else or anything like that...   My heart & soul is for you & you only.

Roli2: I wont ever do such mistake again.  Sorry out of frustration which i faced all these days of your China trip alone missing you made me to do like that.  

Sid1: But ROli, why you need to be in the house & get frustrated.  You are education & smart.  Why you need to start your career.

Roli2: You are right.  But after my education, for my priority was you and your career.  So i was concentrating on you.  Then these cuties came into our life.  How can I now?

Sid1: Why not ROli?  Even now you can.  I dont want your intelligence & talent go in vain.

Roli2: I am happy that you have interest on my career.  Once we go back let us discuss with jiju, what can be done?

Sid1: Well.  I cant see you frustrated or in pain any more.  As you wish to see me successful, i too wish to see you successful.

Roli2: yes.  Will do for sure.  

ROSID smiled.

ROSID hug each other in happiness.

All the 5 days they passed in full of excitement.  

The went out for sight seeing too.

They went to park, boating etc...

After 5 days of full of excitement, the time has come for ROSID to return to their home.

Sid1: ROli, I am feeling bad that this beautiful trip is coming to an end.

Roli2: Yes Siddhant.  How happy we were without any other tension completely filled with happiness?  We together and also with our babies.

Sid1: ROli, we need to come for such trips often so that we can have change from our regular routine.

Roli2: Yes.  We can come often.  But till now my Siddhant was only attending the classes, now becoming master & owner too.  Does my Siddhant have time for all these?

Roli gave a mischief smile.

Sid1: Roli how many days went you talking like this?  Of course only after my wife & family anything comes for me.  Moreover as a student, i need to ask for permission fromt he master, but as a master, there is no need for me to ask permission to the student right.

ROli2: Well.  Shall we start now.  Otherwise we will reach home on untime.

Sid1: Yes.  Lets go.

ROSID started their journey back to BW house...

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