local drug dealer comforts crying man

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i couldn't find any memes so i just chose this 

also i changed the title are you happy

"Dude where the fuck are you?" Jamaica yelled into the garden. America was holding a party at his house, as usual, and Finland asked Jamaica to find Norway.

Jamaica didn't want to die, so he went off to find the stupidly happy country.

He didn't necessarily hate Norway. But he found him annoying. The way he would always talk to Jamaica about his life, his sports, how much he admired Mr. NASA, the new skiing competition he was going to win, etc. The way he would always show Jamacia any new NASA shit he got. The way he found Jamacia crying in the bathroom and hugged him, singing a lullaby while rubbing his back. The way he smiled, that stupid sunshiney smile that never failed to make Jamaica a bit happier.

The way Jamaica stupidly fell in love with the stupidly happy Norway.

Jamaica shuddered, trying to brush the thoughts away, and pulled up the flashlight on his phone. The garden was very dead, from both lack of care and cold weather. Jamaica began walking down the first path of dead roses, calling Norway's name. Then the second. And the third.

By the final row of dead flowers, Jamaica was frustrated and wanted to go back into the warm shelter of America's house and get punched by Finland. He sighed and began to walk the tedious path back to the party.

Then he heard sniffling.

Jamaica turned around sharply, looking at the farthest bush where it came from. He heard it again. Jamaica walked over to the bush and moved some branches away.

There was the stupidly happy Norway. Only now he wasn't so stupidly happy.

There were tears streaming down Norway's face and rolling down his chin. His normally beautiful sapphire eyes were red and puffy. His ushanka lied at his side, brushing against his NASA hoodie.

"Hey!" Jamaica yelled. Norway looked at him, clearly scared, which made Jamaica regret yelling at him. "Your brother is looking for you," Jamaica said softly. It felt weird to have his usually gruff voice lowered like that.

"I thought he might," Norway whispered, turning away. Jamaica sat down, the ushanka separating the two.

"He seemed worried. We should get back," Jamaica lied. Finland seemed more annoyed than anything.

Norway laughed dryly. "You're lying."

"Yeah, but did it make you feel better?" Jamaica asked. 

"Not really," Norway looked at him, smiling sadly. Jamaica could practically feel his heart breaking. Norway wiped away some excess tears.

"We should still head back," Jamaica said. Norway looked down at his feet. "What's wrong?" Jamaica blurted out.

Norway spun his head up to face him, face flushing. "What?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not a fucking-"

"No no no, it's fine. It's just no one has ever asked me that question unless they're being sarcastic and are going to beat me up," Norway said quickly. "Unless you're being mean in which case I'm sorry for-"

"I'm not being mean," Jamaica said, putting his hand on Norway's shoulder. "You just seem to have a lot on your mind."

Norway didn't reply. Jamaica felt stupid and slowly moved his hand off Norway. Then he heard sobbing. He turned to look at Norway. The country had tears streaming down his face, even more than before.

"I'm just a failure to everyone. My brothers hate me, I haven't been helping my team, I'm annoying, and I'm just so goddamn useless," Norway choked out. "Nobody even cares about me."

"I care about you," Jamaica said, blushing almost instantly after he said that.

Another sad smile, this time accompanied by tears. "Sure you do. You just want me to go back to that stupid-"

Jamaica kissed him.

Both countries pulled away, one out of shock and the other out of embarrassment. "Sorry..." Jamaica said, looking away. "I should've asked you-" Norway cut him off with a kiss. It took only a moment of shock before Jamaica relaxed into the kiss, pulling the other closer to him, so close he could hear Norway's frantic heartbeat. Too soon they pulled apart, taking shallow breaths to calm down from the kiss.

"Should we get back to that stupid party?" Jamaica asked with a playful smirk.

"I'd rather not," Norway giggled. "But for you, I will." Then he flashed a large, stupid, sunshiney smile.

He never wanted to lose that stupid sunshiney smile ever again.

The original title was 'local drug dealer comforts crying man.'

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