skinwalker prt. 2

696 34 6

535 (ew short) words

End meeeee this is bad and I hate it but here you go I have no original ideas aaaaa

"Get over here you little-argh!" Germany, who was now a cat, knocked some old silverware on Russia. "I'll kick you back out to the coop if you don't let me cut your hair."

"I like it here, I'm never leaving," Germany morphed back to his original figure, dark hair swaying at his lower back. Russia was baffled by how long it had grown in just a week. Even living with that thing for a week already stretched Russia. He scowled up at Germany before storming off. Russia marched to the observatory. Bookshelves lined the walls, and the dome was built of glass. He grabbed a chair and set it in the center of the circular room. He violently opened his sketchbook and plopped down in the velvet chair. A soft creak came from the door. Russia didn't need to turn to know it was Germany.

Light footsteps made their way to the velvet seat. Russia tried to look as invested in violently scribbling as possible. "Hey," Germany placed his hand gently on Russia's unsteady arm. Russia dug his pencil spastically into the paper, shaking Germany's hand away. "I-... do you want to see my teeth or something?"

"What?" Russia was shocked by Germany's offer. He never expected the sharp demon to stand still for Russia to suitably draw him, regardless of how odd the request was.

"You only kept me around for anatomy or some shit. Might as well be useful," The German pulled up a wooden seat and sat attentively. Russia swiftly flipped to the following page in his sketchbook. Better not squander the opportunity.

"Just sit normally," Russia addressed the demon's strange position. One of his legs looped over the right side of his chair and his left stretched out behind him at an impossible angle. His arms rested at his right knee while his head and upper body leaned on the opposite chair arm. "Actually don't. Good to see how your joints work."


"I'm bored," Germany dragged out the 'o' as he flopped into yet another uncomfortable position.

"Please stop doing that," Russia gestured towards Germany. His arms were extended to the back of the chair while his legs were oddly bent behind him. "I was fine with it for initial sketching but now you're just bringing me physical pain." 

Germany grumbled and sat normally. With a few final strokes, he showed Germany the drawing. Everything, from the hair to the odd position, was perfect. "Holy- this is amazing!"

"Just initial sketching," Russia shot out, blushing as he snapped the sketchbook shut. "I might not even finish it, don't flatter yourself."

Germany cackled as the Russian buried himself into his sweater. "Thank you for drawing my gross demon body."

Russia smiled brightly into his sweater. "No problem Germany."

"Hey, that's the first time you called me by my name!" Germany yelled, giving a smile that showed off his razor-sharp teeth. "Normally it's 'heathen' or 'demon' or 'little shit' or-"

"I'm feeling nice, don't get it twisted," Russia yelled just as loudly as the Germans initial outburst.

"Try being nice more. It looks good on you," the German winked before getting out of his chair and slipping out of the room, leaving a surprised and flustered Russia behind.

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