- chapter 3

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trigger warning - mention of self harm

We drove a while and when we arrived wherever we were heading, I looked up to see a beautiful sight of the skyline of Los Angeles.
Sarah looked over to me.

"So, what happened?" she asked with a worried look.

"I... so I was in psychology class and... and my teacher started talking about self harm and h- he was referring to me... as always and... th- and then everybody looked at me and I just couldn't stay there".

By the time I finished talking I realized that I was already crying.
Sarah then pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so so sorry that this happened to you, you're amazing and don't let anybody tell you otherwise, okay?"

I nodded.

"We will get through this together okay? I will help you on every single step, I promise" she said, still comforting me.

"Th- Thank you so much. But why are you being so kind to me?" I asked, not daring to look up.

"Because I really care about you and I want you to be okay" she said, giving me a kiss on my head.

I just stared at the city in silence.

"Everything alright?" Sarah asked me and I gave her a nod.

"How about we're grabbing something to eat and then head over to mine and spend the night there?"

I looked at her with a shocked face.
"Is that a no?" Sarah then added.
I shook my head, "no, no of course not, I'd love to spend more time with you, let me text my dad real quick"

Y/N: Hey Dad, I just wanted to let you know that I'll spend the night at a friends house

Dad🤩: Sure, no problem. Have fun😘

"Okay, should be set", I said as I looked over to Sarah.

"Great! What do you want to eat?" she asked.

"Uhhh, pizza? Only if you want of course" I said.

She started laughing "Of course, I also have this embarrassing story from back when I lived in New York"

I raised a brow at her "Oh yeah" I laughed. "I'd love to hear it"

"Okay so, back in New York, I worked at Pizza Circle and somebody ordered a chicken parmesan and I didn't know how to spell parmesan and had to call my mom to ask how to spell it", she paused for a quick second "and after that I promptly quit because that job wasn't for me. Not long after I got a job as an understudy to Amy Ryan in 'The Sisters Rosensweig' on Broadway and after that I never looked back"

I looked at her "Okay, wow. The first part is really funny but I'm so proud that you've made it so far" I smiled.

She looked down "At least you appreciate me and my work".

"Uhm what?" I cleared my throat "YOU are the most wonderful and talented person I know, and I'm not saying this because you're an actress I'm saying it deep from my heart because you're a loving person"

By the time I finished my speech Sarah had tears in her eyes.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked.

"No! No... You're just so nice to me a- and I really don't deserve that"

I took her hand "You deserve everything good in the world, believe me" I said smiling

She finally smiled again.

"Should we get pizza now? I'm starving" she said laughing, god her laugh is so cute.
I nodded.

As we were heading to get pizza, Sarah was singing Umbrella by Rihanna. I let out a small laugh to which she instantly stopped.

"What's so funny y/n?" she said laughing.

"Nothing, you're just adorable"

She looked at me with wide eyes "Thank you thank you, I feel honored" she said as she stopped the car "We're heeeeeere" she added, getting out of the car.

I got out as well and we headed in.
As we got in, Sarah got a few stares here and there and a group of girls was whispering while looking over to us but I couldn't quite hear what they were saying just a few things.

"Guys guys, that's Sarah Paulson" one of the girls said.
"I know but who's that girl she's with?" another one added.
"Is that her girlfriend" by that sentence I lost my temper and I turned around, facing the group of girls.

"YO" I said "Yes I am WITH Sarah Paulson but I am NOT her girlfriend, we're just good friends so I'd be very thankful it y'all could mind your own fucking business. Thank you" I added and turned back to Sarah.

[pov sarah]

Just good friends? Okay alright I kinda understand but it still made me sad in some way.
We ordered our pizza and sat down while waiting for it.

"You look sad, is everything alright?" y/n asked me.

"Uh... yeah I'm fine don't worry" I said and I think she noticed that I was lying.

She took one of my hands "You know you can tell me anything, right?" she said caressing the top of my hand with her thumb.

I nodded "I mean I actually am fine but there are just so many things to worry about you know?"

Y/N nodded "I know"

Not long after our pizza was ready and we were heading out to the car.

"Hey y/n, so about the things you told me earlier... your psychology class and stuff" I said while putting the pizza in the car.

"What about it?" she asked.

"I just wanted to know if you still want to talk about it because you sounded so sad"

"Sarah... I really don't want to bother you with my stupid shit, it's just me and I don't matter anyway"

I looked at her with a shocked face and cupped her head with my hands.

"You're wonderful, everything one could want"


cliffhanger 🥳🥳 haha i'm sorry
what do you think is going to happen? :)

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