- chapter 13

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[pov sarah]

Y/N leaned onto my shoulder and looked up into the sky.

"I kinda wanna marry you" I mumbled under my breath, catching Y/N's attention.

"Huh?" she asked kind if confused.

"Hm? Nothing nothing, I'm just being weird again" I said joking, earning a smirk from Sapphire. She probably realized what I said.

"Sarah can I talk to you for a second?" Sapphire asked as she stood up.

"Uh sure" I said getting up as well.

She took my hand and guided me somewhere not far from where we were just sitting.

"Ask her" she said smiling

"Ask who what?"

"Ask Y/N if she wants to marry you"

"Oh god... she's 19. I can't do that. I'm old" I said looking down

"Excuse me? Everyone would be happy to marry you. Even I would be happy"

"Oh Saph... I-"

"No, not 'oh saph'. Ask her tonight. There is something special between you two and you both know that. Do you even have a ring?"

"Uh... actually... yeah", I said looking down, getting it from my purse.
"My grandma gave it to me before she passed and she said that I should use it for my one true love"

"See" Sapphire said "Y/N is your one true love"

"We'll see I guess...." I mumbled and we went back, sitting next to Y/N again.

"Everything alright?" Y/N asked, taking my hand.

"Yeah, Saph just asked me something about my work and all that stuff, so everything's fine"

"Alright then"

Sapphire then stood of  "I'm gonna get something to eat, do you guys want anything?"

"Uh I guess so, surprise me" I said smiling

"Nah I'll pass" Y/N said in a cold voice.

When Sapphire left I looked over to Y/N.
"Everything alright?"

"Huh? What shouldn't be right?" she asked, now sounding rather pissed.

"You usually always want to eat something"

"Well maybe not today!"


"No Sarah! What did you and Sapphire talk about?!"

"Like I told you. Just. Work."

"Yeah sure, work my ass"

"You don't have to snap at me right away" I said, trying to stay calm.

"Yes I have to! Because you're lying!"

"Are you out of your fucking mind?!"

"No Sarah! It's you! Just stop fucking lying to me!"

"I'm not!"

"Maybe it's better if we don't talk for the rest of the night" Y/N then said.

"If you say so" I said turning around, facing the other direction.

Just as I finished my sentence I saw Sapphire coming around the corner. She looked at us, somehow knowing that something was off but she didn't ask about anything.
I took my phone out of my purse and browsed on twitter for a bit, liking tweets, tweeting fans back, just the regular.
Every now and then I looked at Y/N and at one point our eyes met each other and she quickly looked back. I shouldn't feel bad, I mean yes, I kind of lied to her but just because I'm bot quite sure about asking her. And yes, I do feel bad but she didn't have to snap at me right away.


The sun slowly started to set and our shadows started to grow behind us as far as they could.

"You guys?" Sapphire asked and we both turned our faces to her.

"What?" we asked at the same time.

"Could you please talk to each other again?"

"Sure" I said

"Nope" Y/N said at the same time

"Oh god" Sapphire then said.

It was then getting darker and darker,
Y/N and I still haven't talked to one another. I don't think that I'm gonna ask her, not when she's mad.


After some more time, we stood up since the fireworks were about to start. We counted from 10 to 1 and watched the sky as what felt like a thousand fireworks were enlightening it.
I looked over to Y/N and Sapphire tapped on my shoulder.

"Do it" she whispered

"Y/N...?" I asked and she turned around

this is so short but only because I wanted to have a cliffhanger, I'm sorry🧸

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