- chapter 16

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After dinner we went upstairs and changed into something more comfortable.

"Wanna snuggle up in the living room and watch a movie?" Sarah asked smiling.

"Sure but I'll probably fall asleep like ten minutes into the movie"

"Doesn't matter, then you can use me as a pillow or whatever"

"Well Miss Paulson" I said grinning "I'd be honored to be able to use you as a pillow just like every other night"

"Don't test me" she said, picked me up and carried me into the living room.

"What do you wanna watch?" she asked, putting on Netflix.

"Something scary" I said and sat down beside her.

"Oh god, okay. Only for you though, but be aware of the fact that I will jump onto you"

I smiled softly "I wouldn't mind that at all"


Not even 20 minutes into the movie Sarah was already sitting in my lap, holding onto me.

"I hate this I hate this I hate this" she said at which I let out a soft laugh

"We don't have to continue if you don't want to"

"No I want to" she said "and you know why?"


"Because Y/N, I love seeing you happy"

I then held her tighter and closed my eyes, knowing that everything's gonna be fine.

[pov sarah]

Y/N really is the cutest, but apparently she fell asleep.
I stood up, picked her up and carried her to bed.
I then sat down next to her, holding her hand.

"I love you so so much" I whispered, stroking the top of her hand with my thumb, causing her to smile.

Just as I was about to get into bed myself my phone started ringing downstairs. I let out a groan and made my way downstairs to pick my phone up.

"What is it?" I asked, holding onto the kitchen counter.

"Hey Sarah, it's Ryan. I'm so sorry for calling so late but be have a small problem"

"And that would be?"

"All the scenes for next week got deleted and we need to film them again as soon as possible"

I stood downstairs with my eyes wide "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"I wish I was. Please be here in an hour" he said and hung up.

I made my way upstairs again, after all this I'm going to take Y/N on a fucking trip just to get away from everything for like a week or so.
I knelt down beside the bed, trying to softly wake Y/N.

"Hey baby...Wake up"

"Hm.. what is it?"

"We need to get up, I have to go on set and after that I'm going to take you somewhere"

Y/N tried to sit up straight "Where?"

"You'll see, now get up and grab a bag"


After packing our bags and getting everything set we were now on our way to set. At 3.45 am.
When we pulled up in the driveway, I let out a groan, not wanting to be here.

"Do you wanna stay here and wait?" I asked with half a smile on my face.

"No no, I wanna come with you" Y/N said and we both got out of the car and headed inside.

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