- chapter 41

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Y/N took my hand and we made our way downstairs to eat breakfast. We were greeted by a fully set table and Willow smiling widely.

"Wow, this looks amazing" I said smiling.

"Thank you" Willow said smiling "Are pancakes okay?"

"More than okay" Y/N and I said at the same time.

We then said down and started eating. No one said a word until Willow looked at me and spoke up.

"That's totally weird but do I know you from somewhere?"

I looked over to Y/N and shook my head "I don't think so, I mean from where?"

"Uh...I think I've seen you somewhere before"

"Hm, that's weird" I said and let out a chuckle to not sound too weird.

Even though be basically knew everything about Willow, because of her files obviously, we asked about everything of her. We were really interested in her life and wanted her to feel as comfortable as possible.

"So when's your birthday?" Y/N asked smiling.

"December 17th, why?" Willow asked slightly confused.

"We share a birthday" I said with a wide smile on my face.

Willow smiled at me "That's so cool!" she exclaimed "I've actually never met someone with the same birthday as me and to have a mom with it is so much better"

When she referred to me as mom I wanted to cry instantly because I definitely did not expect her to call anyone of us like that so soon.

Willow looked at me kind of confused as if she could sense my feelings.

"Oh...is it even fine if I call you guys my moms?" she asked with a very low voice.

"Of course it is, she's just a little overwhelmed and got kind of emotional" Y/N said causing me to softly punch her arm.

"I'm not emotional" I said pouting.

"No? What about that one time-"

"Don't. Mention. It" I warned her.

"I'm gonna tell you another time" Y/N said turning to Willow who let out a soft giggle and nodded.

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