- chapter 9

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"Sari?" Y/N asked sleepily


"I'm tired"

"Maybe you should sleep then" I said at which she put an arm around me.

"Mhm maybe, but I have to text my dad first" she said and sat up.

[pov y/n]

I took my phone and texted my dad

Y/N: Hey dad I'm gonna stay at a friends house for the night again

Dad🤩: Sarah's?

Y/N: Uh.. How do you know?

Dad🤩: Honey I'm not dumb

Y/N: Are you mad at me?

Dad🤩: No of course not, as long as she treats you right, there won't be a problem

Y/N: So it's fine?

Dad🤩: Of course, see you tomorrow 😘

Y/N: See ya, goodnight

Dad🤩: Night x

I put my phone away and smiled

"He knows" I said, looking at Sarah

"Who?" she asked confused

"My dad"

"Oh god I'm sorry" she exclaimed anxious

"It's okay"


"Yes" I said giving her a kiss "He said that everything is fine as long as you treat me right"

"Well" she said, giving me a kiss "I will do that"

"Hm" I mumbled and drifted off to sleep.

In my sleep I snuggled up to Sarah and hugged her tight.

The next morning came quite fast, when I woke up, Sarah was nowhere to be seen.

"Sari?" I said as I walked around
I then walked into the kitchen to see her making pancakes.

"It worked this time" she said in a happy voice

"That's great I said as I sat down at the table"

She then came over to me and gave me a kiss which I returned.

"I gotta get ready for school" I said as I got up.

"Noooo, can't you just stay?" she asked pouting.

"I wish"

"Can I bring you to school?"

"Uh...Sarah, I don't know if that's a good idea"


"Ughh okay fine" I said and got up

"Where are you going?"

"Getting ready? Or should I go naked?"

"Well I wouldn't complain"

I gave her a quick smirk and went into the bathroom to get ready.
After I finished everything, I got out very quiet to hear Sarah singing. She was dancing in the living room and sang along to one of her favorite songs.
I stood in the hallway and smiled into her direction until she took a glimpse at me and went red.

"Oh god I'm sorry that you had to hear that" she said laughing.

"No no, it's fine, your voice is beautiful"

"Well, thank you then"

"Can we leave now?"

"Uh sure, I'd rather have you staying here with me but okaaaaay" she said, grabbing her car keys.
We then went out the door into her car.
I yawned softly and smiled as she started the car and drove off.

"I'm gonna miss you"

"I won't be away forever, just 5 hours"

"JUST?" Sarah said in shock "Y/N it's gonna feel like a lifetime"

I looked out of the window and watched the trees fly by. Every now and then I looked at Sarah, who was concentrating on driving.

"You're cute when you're concentrated"

"Hm? What?" Sarah asked confused

"You're cute when you're concentrated"

"Oh, am I?"


We then pulled up at school and I got out of the car. I felt like a thousand eyes on me, probably because they saw Sarah.

"You wanna come over later? My dad won't be home"

"Sure thing, text me when school's over and I'll pick you up" she said smiling

"Alright, love you"

"Love you too" I said, closed the car's door and went into school.


Classes went by quicker than usual.
At lunch I was sitting with Evan once again when a group of girls came up to us.

"Uh Y/N?" one of them said

I then looked up at them "Yeah?"

"Are you free later today? We wanted to hang out with you" another one said.

"So now you wanna hang out with me?" I asked sarcastically "Now that you saw that Sarah brought me to school? I'm sorry but no, I'm not playing these games"

Evan looked at me in shock with a wide grin.

"Shit" the girls whispered in embarrassment and started walking back to where they came from.

"That was amazing" Evan said and laughed

"I know I know"

Then the bell rang and we headed to our last class for today.
I sat down at the very back and put my head onto the table, trying to relax as I was very exhausted.
A few minutes later, a hand slammed onto the table which made me jump in fear. It was my teacher.


"Geez calm down" I said


I packed my things and shot Evan a smirk, who was trying not to laugh as I went out the door.
As I got out of school I texted Sarah.

Y/N: Heyyyyyy

Sari🧸💕: Yeah??

Y/N: can you pick me up from school?

Sari🧸💕: don't you have class?

Y/N: i got kicked out by that old dumbfuck

Sari🧸💕: oh god, give me 10 minutes

I put my phone back into my pocket and started walking back and forth while waiting for my sweet lady to pick me up and then sat down on the ground and stared into the direction from which she should come from.

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