- chapter 28

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I apparently must've fallen asleep since a knock on the door woke me up. I opened the door to see Evan smiling.
He instantly hugged me and giggled.

"God, Y/N. I missed you so much"

"I missed you too, so so much you dumbfuck" I said, closing the door behind him.

We sat down in the living room and talked about everything that was going in in our lives - the proposal, him still going to school and all that. Time was going by so fast with us only laughing.

"We should hang out more often" Evan said, having his arm around me.

"Definitely" I said smiling.

[pov sarah]

When I woke up I was already feeling a bit better, not good, but better. I decided to check on Y/N and went downstairs to find her on the couch with someone else.

"What the fuck?!" I said at which but of them turned around.

"Hey Baby" Y/N said with a smile.

"Do NOT fucking Baby me. What is this?!"

"Sarah it's not what it looks like, really!" Y/N said coming up to me.

"Do not fucking touch me!" I yelled as I went up the stairs, then slamming the bedroom door behind me, locking it.

"Sarah let me explain" Y/N said calmly.

"NO, leave me the fuck alone! I really don't want to talk to you" I exclaimed, sitting down on the bed.

"Uhm okay... I- I'm gonna stay at my dad's for the night... Just let me know if you need something" she then said and slowly went down the stairs.

Tears formed in my eyes when I heard the door closing and not even 10 seconds later I was crying. I'm just great at fucking things up.
I pushed my face on a pillow and started screaming.
'God you're so fucking stupid' I thought to myself as I got back up.

a/n i have no idea what's happening but i kinda like where this is going

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