Chapter 1

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Amongst mortals, are the Angels, like my family, and Nephalem, like my best friend Elaine Roscow.

Humans have developed the ability to see our wings. Some of us, like me, have the purest white wings. Those who have sinned, have increasingly darker wings, from bad to worse, depending on the sin, and how many times they've sinned.

I am Cienna Malak, pureblood angel, daughter of pureblood angels. My wings are still pure white, as I have not sinned- small lies don't count, thank God.

Due to Celestial beings living alongside Humans, God implemented a Soulmate system, to create Nephelam, as well as keep lines of pureblood Angels.

Before The Fall, Angels could communicate telepathically, but we have since lost that ability. Now, Angels and Humans alike, can only communicate telepathically with our Soulmates.

This is our world now, although most Angels aren't too happy with it.

I, on the other hand, don't mind it. What's being unhappy about it gonna do to change the situation?

I hear a knock on the door and hum in response. My mother flings the door open.

"Cienna Laurel Malak, you're going to be late for school!!"

I groan. Now this, I was unhappy about. "We're Angels, Mother. Who needs school? We're Celestial Beings!!"

She glares at me. "Get up and get ready for school. Now." 

I groan once more, getting up from my spot on the bed, setting my laptop on the nightstand.

I pull out a white summer dress and slip it on, loosely curling my shoulder length, brunette hair, and some lip gloss.

I slip into some sandals that wrap around my ankles and mid-calf, before cramming books and my laptop into my book bag and racing down the stairs.

I grab an apple and kiss my dad on the cheek.

"Goodbye, Sweetie. Have a good day."

I blow him a kiss from the door, following my mom to the car.

Yes, I have my own car. But it saves so much money when Mom takes me, and I carpool home with friends.

The drive to school is pretty quiet, mostly because it's too early to bother conversing. But also because we're so open with each other, there's nothing really left to say.

Once we arrive at the school, I blow a kiss to my mom, grabbing my bag and heading towards the stairs leading up to the building.

Before my foot even grazes the first step, Elaine is by my side, chatting with another friend of mine, Avalon.

I don't pay much attention to their conversation, too lost in thought.

We skip up the steps, losing Avalon to her boyfriend. Elaine turns towards me.

"Did you have any trouble with your US History paper?"

I shrug. "Not really." I'm a nerd, what can I say? Writing papers is easy for me- not to mention fun.

She grumbles. "I just wrote random stuff that probably never happened- ever... I'm so failing this semester."

I chuckle at her. "Aren't you supposed to know this stuff, Human?" I tease.

She scowls. "Half human. And that doesn't mean I actually pay attention- or care."

I roll my eyes and laugh.

"This is why you're failing."

She shrugs. "I'll figure it out, I always do." She winks and skips towards the breakfast line.

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