Chapter 27

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When we arrive, I realize it's nothing. It's literally the middle of nowhere. I turn to Zachariel and frown.

He flashes me that amazing grin before getting out. I take my shoes off and exchange them for black flats, before stepping out of the car.

He looks me up and down before sheepishly looking away.

"Sorry," he mumbles.

I chuckle. "So, what now?" He holds a hand out for me to take.

I take his hand and he begins walking through the tall grass. I frown, unsure what was going on.

We walk for what seems like forever before we cross an invisible line where the grass is blackened, the trees and flowers are dead, and the sky is dark.

I gasp. "What is this place?" I whisper.


I let go of his hand and walk a little further into the darkness.

"I come here once a month. More and more of this field is covered every time. It goes on forever. In both directions."

I touch a dead tree, and it falls away as if it's made of ash. It's both beautiful and terrifying. "What about the people?"

He steps beside me. "Gone. Dead. I don't know."

I inch closer to him out of fear, he tentatively wraps an arm around my waist. "What's happening to it?"

"God didn't want to destroy the world, but he didn't want it to survive. It's like a cancer eating away at the earth. It's proof that he is no longer with us. He sent us down here to die with his failed creation."

I nearly fall as pain shoots up my back, but Zachariel holds me up.

I don't dare look behind me- I already know what I'll see. Wings as black as this place. Wings as black as the truth.

My eyes widen. "Zachariel," I gasp.

He frowns. "What is it, My Angel?"

"Our wings- it's a cancer. It's a sickness. It's this!" I motion around us. He closes his eyes. He knew. "You knew and you didn't tell me?" I whisper.

"I warned you, Cienna. Knowledge is dangerous."

He did warn me. And I didn't listen.

"How long?" I ask.

"I don't know. All I know is, it turns your hair black as night. Your eyes change, too."

"What did you look like before?"

"My hair was chestnut, with hints of blonde," he chuckles. "My eyes were dull brown."

"How did you find this place?"

"Same as you. Someone with the darkest wings I've ever seen found me. He showed me the truth. And then he died."

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