Chapter 5

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I drag my feet to Chemistry, only picking up the pace when I hear the fifteen second bell. I've never ever been late to class.

I rush in, finding my seat in the second row to the back, thanking God Asher hasn't arrived yet. I silently pray he's not here, or never shows up...

But to my dismay, he does. He tosses the teacher a tardy slip, before throwing his bag beside me, and sitting down in his seat.

I keep my eyes fixated on the front of the room. The chalkboard, the teacher, the front door, anything.

"Alright, class. You have all period to work on your projects, use this time wisely."

I close my eyes, praying God will save me.

But, of course, what's done is done. I take a deep breath, turning towards Asher.

"Hello, Asher. My name is Cienna," I introduce as calmly as I can.

"I know." Is all he says. "She said your name when she picked you as my partner, remember?" He says, boredom etched in his voice.

I take another deep breath the remain calm. "Right, of course." I put the poster board between our desks.

"If you'd like, I can do the writing, you can do the research? Or vice versa... it's really up to you..." I let my voice trail off, he nerves getting the best of me.

He flicks white locks of hair out of his eyes before turning to me. "Or-" He meets my terrified gaze, pausing.

There's silence for a moment. "Or?" I dare ask.

He frowns, eyeing my face. "Or... I could do it all." He frowns in disgust, as if regretting the words that just came from his mouth.

I can't help but smile. "No, no. It's quite alright, I like doing my part."

He glares at me. "I'll write what you research."

He then turns back to his mobile device, playing a game of cards.

I frown, biting my bottom lip to withhold the snarky comment I desperately want to make.

I switch my laptop on, pulling out a pen and paper.

After about thirty minutes, I've researched everything. I slide the paper over to Asher. "Your turn."

He glances at the paper, his eyes going wide.

"Hell no." My turn for my eyes to go wide. "I'm not writing that much."

I narrow my eyes. "Well, Asher," I spit his name with as much venom as I can muster, "it looks like you have no choice."

He glares at me for a few moments, before realizing I won't back down.

He begins mumbling under his breath, before picking up my pen and writing my research down on the poster board.

After the bell rings, he pockets my pen, and leaves rather abruptly.

"Hey!" I shout, but it's too late. Not like he'd give it back anyway. Too bad his wings can't get any darker...

I shudder, packing up my things and exiting the classroom, making sure to turn in the completed project on my way out.

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