Chapter 2

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I take my seat alongside Elaine in US History.

"Ugh, curse this school for giving me History first thing in the morning!" I glare at her.

There are some things we just don't say anymore, seeing as Heaven and Hell exist.

She smiles sheepishly. "Sorry..."

Most teenagers still have pure wings- let me rephrase, most Angel teenagers still have pure wings.

Even Humans have an outline of 'wings' we call Phantoms, however, most Humans have tainted wings, due to drugs, alcohol, or even just rebellious phases.

The Angels all keep their wings pure, in hopes God will except us back once we are proven faithful.

Some Nephalem have given up, accepting they'll never be allowed in Heaven due to their tainted blood. Elaine, on the other hand, keeps her wings pure.

After US History, is Calculus, my least favourite class.

After Calculus, is lunch break, thank God.

I sigh, placing my textbook into my book bag, and heading towards the Cafeteria.

I meet Elaine in the hall, whining about her new project partner.

"Careful, Enna, you have Chemistry next. Who knows who you'll have as a partner," She warns.

I shrug, inwardly groaning. I hate group activities. I work solo. Alone. By myself

What did Lightning McQueen say? "I'm a one-man show."

Yup, that's me. Sure, I have friends, but I hate having to rely on people for things as important as projects. Do you know how poorly it can affect your grade if your partner screws up their part of the assignment?!

I sigh, getting my food from the lunch lady. "Lyrente," I say. Roughly translating to 'thank you', in Amani, the language of the Angels.

I sit down, eyeing the potato salad on my plate.

Elaine soon sits beside me, her plate stacked high with fries and nuggets.

I laugh, shaking my head. "They really let you get away with that?"

She shrugs. "Not like anyone else's going to eat them."

I roll my eyes. "Yea, because they taste awful!"

She opens her mouth to respond, but is instantly cut off by the shrieking sound of a microphone.

I glance towards the stage, seeing the principal as he clears his throat. The human principal.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to introduce our newest student..." He waves for someone to join him on stage.

A tall boy slowly makes his way on stage. Gasps can be heard from all over the cafeteria, everyone begins whispering.

He's handsome, but that's not what they're whispering about.

The boy on stage has wings as dark as night. Instantly I can tell he's pureblood angel.

"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph..." Elaine mutters to me. I can't take my eyes off them. Sure, I've seen people with slightly darkened wings, but nothing to this extent. "What do you think he did?" She asks me quietly.

I can't answer, I can't even think. I forgot these people exist. People so evil they're wings are pure black. It frightens me.

I continue staring, that is, until his gaze meets mine.

I want to look away, but I just can't. Something about those eyes... it's like an abyss sucking me in.

I'm too far to make out any details about him, other than the wings and his ironically white hair.

We stare at each other for what seems like an eternity before the principal clears his throat again, gaining my attention.

"This is our new student, Asher Downs. Please give him a warm welcome, thank you. Enjoy the rest of your day!" With that, the principal scurries off the stage.

Asher stays on a second longer, casting one more glance at me.

My eyes remain fixated on my lunch.

"What was that about?" Elaine asks me, but I barely hear her, it's as if she's speaking from across the room. "Enna?"

I nearly jump at the nickname. "Hm?"

"What is going on with you?" She questions, concern lacing her voice.

I glance back up at the stage, remembering the boy that stood there moments before. "I have no idea..."

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