Chapter 16

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As far as I know, I've never heard the name before. So how do we know each other? No one in the school goes by that name....

I rip the page of 'Soulmate possibilities' out of my notebook. I stare at it for a moment.

Matthias. My childhood friend. If only it were so simple.

I sigh and crinkle the paper up in a ball, before throwing it in the trash. My phone buzzes and I hesitantly look at it.

Elaine: Plans?
Me: Not that I know of- why?
Elaine: SOS, come over ASAP....

I frown, tossing my phone back on the bed. I race downstairs, face to face with my mom.

"Oh, look who it is. The daughter I almost forgot I had!" She chuckles.

I grin. "Sorry, Mom. I promise it'll make sense in a few days.... and I promise I'm staying out of trouble!"

She shakes her head and smiles. "That, I believe."

I roll my eyes. "So, can I spend the night with Elaine? I'll bring my school things and we'll carpool to school and back."

"Of course. But I do expect an explanation and to see my daughter sometime this week!"

I frown. "I can do that... I'm just not sure it'll be this week." She tosses me a warning glare, but says nothing, going into the kitchen.

"Don't forget to eat dinner!"

I roll my eyes and smile. "Yes, Mom!"

I race upstairs to pack overnight things into a bag. I also throw tomorrow's outfit for school into it. I grab my backpack and purse, as well as my overnight bag, and race back down the stairs, panting like a dog.

I throw my bags in the passenger side of my car, and back out of the driveway.

Elaine doesn't live far, thank God. Only about 15 minutes. And I don't have to drive along highways to get there, just one major road.

I pull up to her house and grab my bags. She's already at the door, bouncing on her heels in anticipation.

I lock my car and speed walk over to her.

"Gosh, Elaine. You look like you're going to explode in excitement." She hushes me, and pulls me upstairs. I nearly trip over the first one.

Once we're in her room, she shuts the door and locks it, before going over to the window and doing the same.

I frown. "What is going on?"

She slumps onto her bed beside me. "Okay, so..." She fidgets nervously. "I... found my Soulmate."

My eyes go wide. "Oh my gosh, Elaine," I whisper.

She beams at me. "I know! I'm so happy, he's the sweetest guy and his wings are mostly pure-"

"Wait," I interrupt. "You've met?"

She nods eagerly. "Yea, we were partners for that project, while we were working together I started hearing his thoughts as he was figuring out the project."

My eyes widen. "I'm so happy for you, Elaine. Do your parents know?"

"No... I'm afraid to tell them."

"Elaine, finding your Soulmate is a big deal! I'm sure they'll be very happy for you."

She processes my words for a moment, before changing the subject. "Hey, have you eaten?"

I shake my head.

"Me neither. Let's go scavenge downstairs." I grin, following her.

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