Chapter 8

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I drum my fingers on the desk, eager for class to end.

I have a proposition, I say to the voice in my head. I don't expect him to answer, but I know there's no way he can't hear me. You and I clear our schedules and just talk, and then try to guess who the other is based off of everything we know.

There's silence for a few minutes before he says, 'And what makes you think I'll tell the truth?'

I think for a moment. Do you not want a Soulmate? Silence. Look... if you don't want me, just tell me and I'll leave you alone for the rest of your life. I'll find someone else. I'll settle. Silence. Answer me, please!

'Busy. Have school to do, remember?'

I raise my hand. "May I use the restroom?" The teacher nods, and I get up quickly, nearly sprinting towards the bathroom.

I lock myself in a stall moments before the tears fall silently.

To be rejected hurts. But the fact that he won't even admit he wants to reject me... somehow that hurts more. The fact that he's rejecting to reject me- or even speak to me...

I wipe away the tears.


I wait for him to finish his sentence, but he remains quiet.

Finally he speaks again.

'Look it's not that I don't want you- or a Soulmate. I just... I don't know how to... ugh, how do I say this... Can we just get to know each other? Be friends? Fuck the Soulmate thing. Just...'

His 'voice' trails off.

I wipe my tears, although more fall, before I nod my head. Yea, okay.

I slowly unlock the stall and stand in front of the mirror.

He's not completely rejecting you yet. He's just.. trying to get a feel for you. Trying to see if you're worth it. I choke back a sob. Why couldn't I get a Soulmate who was ecstatic to find out he has one?

I frown. Well, I wasn't exactly ecstatic at first either.

I wave that away, that's just because I was afraid it would be Asher. But the voice is far different from Asher's. Plus, Asher would've instantly rejected me, rather than try to 'get to know me' first.

But what are the odds I hear my Soulmate the same day I 'interacted' with Asher?

I frown as I begin walking back to class.

Who the hell are you?

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