Chapter 15

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'This is why I kept my name from you, that way you wouldn't... Google what happened to me.'

I resist the urge to Google 'Asher Downs'. Why would wing colour matter?

He chuckles darkly. 'Because, Grace. I could be a mass murder for all you know.'

You don't strike me as a mass murderer...

'Good, because I'm not. But my point is, you don't know what I've done- could do. And if you're pure, chances are, you don't care. Chances are, you wanna stay as far away from me as possible.'

Loras, God made us Soulmates for-

'Grace. God isn't there anymore. He's not puppeteering us, just like he wasn't puppeteering the Humans before The Fall. Just like they prayed every night, as if he was listening. Guess what? He's not. He's off playing hooky somewhere else. Creating another species on another planet because the humans were a catastrophic failure. He didn't set up everyone's Soulmate. He put a system together and let fate, and the universe do the rest.'

Tears form in my eyes. You're lying.

He sighs. 'Grace, I've seen it.'

What? How?

'I... I can't tell you- at least not right now. But I can soon, if you're willing to let me. If you're willing to let me show you. But... please, please don't reject me.'

I think on it for a moment. Fine. I won't. On one condition. I wait for a response, but get nothing.

You tell me who you are.

More silence, until, 'Fine.'

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