Chapter 19

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Today is Wednesday, and to tell the truth, I haven't been paying attention during class all day today.

My hands shake with anxiety. Tonight's the night I meet him. My Soulmate.

I clench my hands into fists and stare up at the clock. 3:57, just three more minutes until school lets out.

I take a deep breath in, trying to calm my nerves.

The bell rings and I'm the first one out, bag in hand. I race to the student parking lot, and drive home as fast as possible, while obeying all traffic laws.

I don't bother pulling into the driveway. I leave my car parked by the curb, and race inside.

I race to my room, flinging the closet door open. What in the world do I wear?! After about 10 minutes of indecision, I finally choose my blue romper.

I pull it on, and then put on my knee high Greek sandals. I head into the bathroom, throw on some natural makeup, grab my purse, and run down the stairs.

My parents aren't home from work yet, thank God. I race towards my car, and head towards the Cafe.

When I get there, I can tell he hasn't arrived yet. I sit down at my usual table, before deciding it isn't appropriate, seeing as this is where I sat when I got that other guy's number

I switch tables, and order a Caramel Frappuccino. What if he doesn't show? My nerves intensify, and I begin fidgeting.

What if he does show?

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