Chapter 7

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Sitting in bed that night, I think of how flawed this Soulmate System really is.

Like the fact that I can hear someone's voice in my head, but have no way of telling who it is, really?

'You know what the biggest flaw in the Soulmate system is? I can't shut this thing off at night.'

I cringe.

Must suck to be you.

I smirk to myself, I'm so mean. It's not my fault my brain thinks more when I'm trying to fall asleep than usual.

'Yes it is.'

I roll my eyes. Well, that's too bad for you, then. Because I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

The voice groans. 'Worst. Soulmate. Ever.'

I grin wickedly, a smile I learned from Asher today.

'Oh so you're cheating on your Soulmate with the bad boy with the cliche bad boy name?'

Is someone jealous?

'Pfft, you kidding? I wish he was your Soulmate. Would save me the trouble.'

I frown. Rude.

'Says the one who keeps me up all night, every night.'

I grin. Glad I can piss you off as much as you do me.

I swear I can hear his eyes narrow, causing my grin to widen, but he remains quiet. I sigh, closing my eyes to go to sleep.

'Sweet dreams.' I hear the voice whisper, moments before I drift off to sleep....

I wake up a few hours later, although I'm not sure why.

'You okay?'

I scoff. You care?

'You're my Soulmate, I have no choice.'

I ignore the pang in my chest at his words- or.. thoughts. Why are you even awake?


I frown. I'm sorry, I didn't know...

Now it's his turn to scoff. 'Yea, well, I'm sure there's a lot you don't know about me.'

I scowl. Why are you such a dick, huh? What did I do to you?

He doesn't respond, not that I expected him to. I sigh, putting earphones in my ears and blasting classical music.

Luckily, I'm asleep within moments, not very surprising, considering I've never really had troubles sleeping before tonight.

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