Chapter 22

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After about twenty minutes, I've finished my coffee. He finishes off his second water and waves down the waiter.

"I'd like the check-" he makes eye contact with me. "Please." I cant help but smile. He offers the waiter his credit card.

"No, wait. I can pay, really it's no problem."

Zachariel ignores me as he pays the waiter. "Manners, remember?" He chuckles. "Would you like to take a walk, Cienna?"

I nod, grabbing my purse. We both stand in unison, walking towards the door.

He opens it, allowing me to go through, before following me. I'm not sure where we're going, but I feel much better walking in the fresh air.

"You know you can call me Enna, right?" I ask, glancing his way. He moves to my left side, that way he's closer to the street.

"Why would I call you that, when you have such a beautiful name?"

I blush once more. I've never blushed as much as I do when I'm around him. We make it to a nearby park, sitting on a bench.

It's never occurred to me how small these benches are, until now. Our thighs touch, causing my heartbeat to accelerate.

"Can I ask you something?" I say, so quietly, I'm not sure he'd hear me.

"Of course."

I take in a deep breath, watching a couple walk their dog. "Your wings... why are they so dark?"

He looks at me, as if it's the last time he'd see me and he has to memorize every inch of my face.

"Because I know the truth."

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