Chapter 6

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The first few classes go by very quickly, but unfortunately, I'm in a sour mood because of Asher yesterday.

I slam my things on the lunch table, my mood completely ruined due to Asher.

I rest my head on the table and groan. "Asher is such a.....UGH!" I exclaim.

"Woah there, Enna," Elaine laughs.

I glare at her. "Zip it, Elaine." She puts her hands up in surrender. "He just... Gosh, could he be any crueler?" I mutter.

When Elaine doesn't say anything, I glance up at her, but she's not looking at me, but something behind me.

I glance behind me to meet her gaze- to see none other but Asher. My eyes go wide.


He looks at me with a blank look, as if he's never seen me before in his life. "There's nowhere else to sit," he says.

I frown. "If you want to sit here, just ask."

He rolls his eyes, walking past me to sit beside me. I clench my jaw but remain quiet.

Elaine's the first to break the awkward silence.

"So, Asher, what are your classes?"

He glares at her. "Small talk, really?"

I glare at him as hard as I can, but his glare is far more menacing than mine could ever be. I quickly look away, looking at my uneaten lunch.

Elaine clears her throat. "Answer the question, dick," she says with the sweetest smile.

He keeps his gaze on me. "What's it to you, bitch?"

She drops the smile, glaring at him much better than I could ever dream of. "Fine." She turns to Avalon. "Have you started your period yet? Mine started yesterday, and let me tell you, it was a blood bath."

Avalon and I gape at Elaine.

Asher chuckles. "Look at me, you really think blood scares me?"

Elaine and I share a look. We all know what he's referencing. Elaine shrugs as if she doesn't care, and returns to eating the last of her fries.

Avalon doesn't touch her food, in fact, she pushes her lunch tray away, as if the sight of food nauseates her- and I can relate.

I look at my lap, fiddling with my rings.

'Nervous?' The voice asks.

I frown. No, this situation's just a little... awkward.

The voice chuckles quietly. 'Good. The only one you should be nervous around is me.'

I try to keep a straight face so he people around me don't question. Was that a threat? Or was it supposed to sound flirtatious? Not interested, thanks. That's the only neutral response I can think of.

I look back up at the people around me, clearing my throat.

"Well, this was... lovely, but I have to talk to the Chemistry teacher before class." I get up, grabbing my bag.

"About what?" Asher asks innocently.

"I... well, I was just a little concerned about something we put on our poster yesterday and wanted to make sure it was okay." Thank God for my quick thinking.

"You can do that when class starts, can't you?" He asks, continuing to feign innocence.

I open my mouth to respond, but my quick thinking fails me, and I slowly sit back down at the table.

Asher grins wickedly.

'Nice one.'

I scowl at both Asher, and the voice in my head.

Shut up.

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