Chapter 9

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After school, I sit at my desk, pen in hand. In front of me is a list of all the possible people my Soulmate could be.

Asher is at the top of this list.

Although I'm almost 100% sure it's not Asher, I don't have any proof other than 'it's not his voice', which doesn't really prove anything, considering some people's interior voice differs from their regular voice...

I sigh, slamming my head on the desk.


I write down the name of my childhood friend, whom I haven't seen in years, Matthias. He matches the criteria.

We've interacted for longer than 45 seconds, and I wouldn't recognize his voice because I haven't heard it since we were 6, when he moved away.

I think over where I went before and after school the day Asher went to bed.

Before school... I didn't go anywhere, because I got a ride from my mom. After school... what did I do after school?

I went to my favourite cafe down the street to do my homework.... but I don't recall meeting anyone there.

I did talk to the cashier when I ordered, though...

I jot down 'coffee shop' in big letters, circling it in red ink before retiring to bed. The voice has been silent ever since our little conversation at school earlier...

I sigh, climbing into my comfy bed. I put my earphones on, playing classical music like I did last night, just in case I wake up in the middle of the night again.

I drift off to sleep fairly quickly, dreaming lightly about things I won't remember come tomorrow....

'Sweet dreams,' I hear him say, moments before I lose consciousness.

The Angel In UsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon