Chapter 12

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It's 20 minutes until twelve, and I can't sit still from the anxiety. I'm so nervous, but in a good way- I think.

I glance at the clock until 7:00pm finally hits. I wait for him to say something, too afraid to initiate the conversation myself.

I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

My mom steps in. "Hey, did you want dinner?"

I check the clock on my nightstand, 7:17. I smile at her. "No, I'm okay. I'll come down in an hour or so if I get hungry."

She steps in a little further. "Everything Alright?"

I nod, offering my best smile, despite the aching feeling in my chest as I try to tell myself he's just late, or he just forgot.

She hesitantly leaves, closing the door behind her.

Hey... what happened? I dare speak to him first. He doesn't respond at first, and when he does, hurt is laced in his 'voice'.

'Oh, so you remember me.'

I frown. What?

'Oh, so you remembered I was still here when you openly flirted with that guy this morning? When you gave him your number?'

I close my eyes. I'm sorry... I didn't realize you cared

He scoffs. 'Whatever. Have fun with your boyfriend. Goodnight.'

A tear falls down my cheek. I just wanted to get to know my supposed Soulmate. No one told me it would be this... difficult.

I shove everything on the top of my desk, off in frustration.

I pull my hands through my hair, keeping my eyes shut. After a while, I get up and turn off my bedroom light, before climbing into bed.

I don't hear him say 'sweet dreams' before I fall asleep, which sends a pang through my heart.

Just as I fall asleep, I mentally whisper to him, I'm sorry... before I'm sound asleep.

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