Chapter 18

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'Can we... meet?'

It was all I could do to withhold my gasp. My eyes widen, but Elaine doesn't notice, still lost in thought.

Meet? When? Why? Where?

The questions come pouring out. It's not that I don't want to meet him, I'm just worried. 4 hours ago, I probably would've agreed. But Elaine's warning scared me.

"Be careful, Cienna," She had said. I have to be careful. Not because I don't trust him, but because I don't know him.

Wednesday, if you can. After school. You can choose location...'

Okay..., I say warily. Gallivan's Cafe.

'I know the place. I'll see you then, I... I can't wait to meet you, Cienna.' I smile. 'I'm heading to bed, have fun with your friend.'

I will, thank you. Goodnight, Zachariel.

I frown when I remember he said he's an insomniac, but think nothing of it. "Elaine."

She hums in response, meeting my gaze.

"I'm exhausted. I'm going to head to bed..." I yawn, snuggling into her bed. "You okay?" I ask. She smiles widely.

"Yea, just talking to Lance." I've never seen her smile like this. Her eyes sparkle.

"Lance... He's your Soulmate?"

She grins and nods. I hope my eyes sparkle like that one day. I hope I'm as happy as her one day.

She turns off the lamp and curls up beside me, falling asleep immediately. I close my eyes and smile, trying to conjure up what I think Zachariel looks like.

My mental image is a six foot tall guy with jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, his massive black wings trailing behind him.

He chuckles. 'Someone's excited to meet me.'

I blush. Whatever, Zachariel.

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep, the smile still on my face.

'Sweet dreams, My Angel.'

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