Chapter 21

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"You're beautiful," he says, his eyes never once looking away from me.

I blush crimson. "T-thank you." I cringe at my stutter. Since when do I stutter? He smirks. I'm a ball of nerves, my knees are shaking, my hands are fidgeting, my eyes won't make eye contact, my brain is running a million miles a minute, and my mouth can't form words.

A waiter comes by, taking his order.

"Just a water."

I frown at his manners. He doesn't say please, and he doesn't say thank you when the waiter comes back with his drink.

"Thank you," I say to the waiter, offering her a smile. Zachariel smirks once more.

"Manners, beauty, charm... you're the very definition of an Angel." He chuckles. I frown. The way he says it makes it seem to be an insult.

"And? What's wrong with that?"

He chuckles again. "Nothing, just had to get you out of your shell."

I narrow my eyes at him as he takes a long gulp of his drink- again, never taking his eyes off me.

I break eye contact.

"Are you afraid of me, Cienna?" His tone is serious, I meet his gaze to see his expression guarded once more.

I frown. "No." Why aren't I afraid of him? I was terrified of Asher, but this man before me... he has an aura screaming 'evil', and yet, I'm strangely unafraid. Nervous, yes. Afraid, not even a little. "Not at all." I give him the best smile my nerves will allow, before taking a long gulp of my coffee.

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