Chapter 32

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I groan, rolling over in bed. I'm sore from last night's... events. My eyes widen and I sit up quickly in bed, ignoring my aching joints.

I look around the room to find that I'm in... my room? I frown, tossing the sheets back to see I'm still in last night's dress. Before I can ask Zachariel what happened, my door opens and my mom comes in. I quickly shut my eyes, as if I'm asleep.

She sits on the edge of my bed, and plays with my hair. "I know you're awake, Cienna."

I sigh, and open my eyes.

"Get dressed, I'm taking you to brunch," she says, leaving my room. I groan and throw a pillow on my head.

The last thing I want to do right now, is go to brunch.

I sigh and get up, putting on a long, shear, blue low cut dress, and white flats. I run a brush through my hair, leaving it straight, falling down my back, grab my purse, heading downstairs.

Before I round the corner, I hold my breath. She hasn't noticed my wings yet, but she definitely will now...

I close my eyes and slowly round the corner. She glances at me. "Ready to go?" She grabs her keys and purse and hops in the car.

She's not one to look away from the road while she's driving, so she still hasn't noticed.

I use this opportunity to ask Zachariel about last night.

How did you get me to my room?

He chuckles. 'Good morning to you too, My Angel. I snuck you through the window.'

I look out the window so my mom can't see my smile. I shake my head. My mom pulls into the parking lot, and stops the car.

I grab my purse and get out, trialing behind her to prolong the inevitable.

The waitress gawks at me, but my oblivious mother doesn't notice. Once we order, my mom looks up.

"So, is like to- oh my god."

I have never, not once heard my mother use the Lord's name in vain. She holds a hand over her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Cienna... what..."

I shrug, watching as the waiter sets our food down. I dig into my food immediately, but my mother seems to have lost her appetite.

I sigh and set my fork down. "I'll explain it to you and Dad tomorrow at Sunday dinner. You won't believe me anyways, but I'll at least try. Now will you eat?"

She watches me for a while before eating her food.

Would you like to join my family for Sunday dinner tomorrow?

He chuckles. 'This is going to fucking suck...'

Probably... I say, both to him, and under my breath.

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