cooler than me

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Song for this chapter - Cooler Than Me

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Song for this chapter - Cooler Than Me

- Mike Posner

"Let's go shopping!" Lydia squeals, as we both get into her convertible mini.

"It's school shopping, you shouldn't be this excited." I comment, and I roll my eyes with a smile on my face.

"Hey Party Pooper! Don't try and ruin my fun." She pouts and I laugh at her.

"Which playlist do you want on?" I ask her, and she turns towards me looking up as she thought

"The one with the smiley emoji." She tells me.

"There's four with a smiley emoji." I point out, blankly. I watch as her face falls, and she pouts again.

"Put the car one on then." She grumbles and then puts her keys in the ignition and drives off. I do as she says and press shuffle. Cooler Than Me by Mike Posner comes on and immediately we both start singing.

It is boiling hot outside, and the roof is down as we try to cool down. We both are wearing matching sunglasses too, which was accidental of course - but it was still cool. It was Lydia's idea to go shopping for school, which starts tomorrow and because I was in desperate need for a backpack, some clothes and stationary I said yes straight away. I was going to go alone, but it would be much more fun with Lydia, so I'm glad she suggested it and was more than happy to trail around after me while I picked up the bits I needed. My dad gave me a bit of money too, not that I accepted it at first - it was forced into my bag by Connor, who also added a bit of money. Those two gang up on me all the time, I was getting sick of it. I didn't want them to waste their money on my school supplies.

"We'll go for lunch and dinner too, and then do you want to stay round mine tonight?" She asks.

"But we have school tomorrow?" I question, slightly confused, I thought she was a dedicated, grade A student.

"And? Please, it's tradition." She begs..

"Tradition for who?" But I already know who.


"Of course I will, but I need to ask my dad."

"Yay!" She squeals, her face lights up, a bright smile grows on her face, "Thank you!"

I agree with everything she says about how we could get ready together, and she could do my makeup while I did her hair. She is the sweetest human, I didn't understand why no one wanted to be her friend when she is always so kind and loving.

"So what first?" I ask.

"Stationary, boring stuff first to get it over with, then we'll shop for clothes." She says, and turns into the car park for Target. We run around the store, picking up all sorts of stationary, even agreeing that we'll buy bigger packs for better value and then share between us. When she wanted something done, this girl was efficient.

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