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I hurried out of the what I can only assume was the ruins zone within the USJ. Leaping over piles of rubble and hiding from every villain I saw, I got past quickly and without trouble. I knew that I could leave Kirishima and Bakugou to fight, they were strong and would find no difficulty in taking the villains down.

In the distance I could see the central plaza, the adrenaline in my blood carrying me as fast as my body could carry me. Up ahead I could see what I could only describe as a large bird man with an exposed brain and a man with baby blue hair, hands of the same color covering his body. He even wore one on his face, using it like a mask to most likely hide his identity.

As I got closer, the man with hands covering his body noticed me approaching. And as I got even closer, I noticed a beaten and bloody person on the ground. From the mop of raven locks I knew exactly who it was and it pained me knowing that he was hurt.


I wanted to run to him, to protect him with my shield and destroy anyone who tried to lay a single finger on him. Shota had done so much for me, I cared for him a lot.

Finally reaching the plaza, I watched as the man with hands covering his body turned his body to face me.

"Did you do this to Shota?" I asked in a demanding tone, my anger returning and ready to let loose once again. He nodded, noticing how my eyes flickered light green.

"Yes, well actually, it was Nomu but I did tell him to get rid of that nuisance," he chuckled dryly. My fists clenched in rage, readying myself to pummel this guy and his freak of a partner. In that second I lost all sense of humanity and all I wanted was to kill them, literally this time.

It was different from being upset about what people said regarding those I cared about, this time they had actually been hurt and badly too. In the bottom of my heart, I held hope that Shota wasn't dead and that he was scold me like he usually did. He'd get up and hit me on top of the head before rushing off to defeat the villains... but that was a child's fantasy and nothing that I could even comprehend in that moment.

All I felt was anger, rage and the need to exterminate the one who had hurt Shota. They needed to die, I needed to see them suffer and scream out in pain and agony. Rushing forward, I pushed off the ground with repel on my feet and launched myself at the man with the hands. I drew my arm back, extending it forward with a glowing green fist which held the strongest punch I had ever dealt to anyone ever.

A long time ago I promised myself I would never use my quirk on another human being. I know what I can do when I use all of my power against another human who can't protect themselves from my attack.

Someone without a strong enough defensive quirk...

A single punch could kill them.

Before my fist could make contact with the hand covered man, his bird-headed accomplice blocked me from getting to him, taking the hit instead. I would've liked to have said that all he did was stumble back, fall over perhaps... but that wasn't even close to what happened. The force of the repel was so strong that when I opened my eyes to look at the one I had hit, the top half of his body was gone.

Time seemed to slow down as I stared wide eyed at what I had done. His legs remained standing, connected to his pelvis which also remained. But above that, there was nothing. It took barely a second before the chucks of flesh and downpour of blood began falling from the sky. I looked up with the blood falling down onto me, soaking into my clothing and leaving me feeling sticky and disgusting. There was nothing worse than being soaked blood.

It was then that I fully came to realize what it was that I had done. I had broken the promise I made to myself all those years ago. My breathing started to increase in speed, my brain going into overdrive as I tried to push away the idea that I had killed someone. My own hands had ended their life, sending them to an early grave. It pained my heart, I didn't want to carry this burden of what could only be described as murder.

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