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Kim Dahyun inhaled deeply as she savored the fresh air surrounding the Garden here in JYPU

Dahyun smiled as she looked at her beautiful surrounding

Flowers. Flowers. Flowers.

Never in her life doubted that flowers are indeed beautiful and an art

She has been taking pictures of different kinds of flowers surrounding the garden every break time

Dahyun thinks that this Garden is her second home as it gives her peace of mind and a calm state.

Dahyun looked at her camera one again, smiling widely as she feels satisfied with her captured pictures

Then she heard a bubbly giggle

A bubbly giggle not too far away from this garden.

She looked at the surroundings

She never meets any students here in the garden during the break period.

I mean, they often spend their time gossiping and facing their mobile phones

Dahyun's eyes widened as she saw a pair of sparkling eyes and a bright smile looking at the small art named butterflies not too far away from her.

The mysterious girl was too busy looking and giggling at the butterflies surrounding her that she didn't notice dahyun's whipped state with a jaw dropped

Dahyun shook her head and chuckled

Cute, Dahyun thought

Dahyun decided to take a photo of the mysterious girl secretly and hoping to God that she won't be caught off guard

As dahyun sets her camera at the mysterious girl, she was in awe

This is the most beautiful flower I have ever seen, Dahyun thought

Dahyun chuckled again

When did she become so cheesy?

She took a picture of the mysterious girl still smiling brightly as her attention is darted to a certain purple butterfly that landed on a white rose just in front of the mysterious girl.

Dahyun smiled

Perfect, she thought

She stiffened as the mysterious girl looked in her way. So she instantly hides behind the bushes.

I almost get caught, dahyun thought as she exhaled deeply

As she slowly and carefully looked at where the mysterious girl stood before, she is already gone

Dahyun felt disappointment

She had only taken one shot.

But Dahyun immediately smiles

At least she knows that the mysterious girl is also from this University

But how come she never seen that girl?

Oh right, Dahyun is introverted

'A Vampire locked in her coffin' as what chaeyoung calls her

No one can blame Dahyun

She always feels intoxicated and out of breath every time the people around her looks at her as if she just committed a crime

Her anxiety always won, as she immediately overthinks every time she sets an eye on anyone who is glancing at her.

So she decided to be alone sometimes as it makes her more comfortable and free.

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