part twenty nine

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Lydia White

"Okay, Lydia listen." Harry says, while holding me to his chest tightly.

We stood hugging in the bathroom until I calmed down. I had avoided looking at the dead Phantom member the whole time.

"You're going to hold my hand, and we're going to get out of here. Look straight ahead the whole time we're walking out of the club, okay?" he says. I furrow my brows, but nod into his chest in agreement.

He pulls away from the hug, and immediately takes me hand in his. He guides me to the bathroom door and opens it wide, proceeding to walk out of it.

Despite Harry's instructions...I look down at the ground as soon as we leave the bathroom.

But when I saw the multiple dead, leather jacket wearing, bodies...I wish I had just looked straight ahead.

I gasped, which made Harry run faster until we were outside and in the parking lot.

He continued to jog with me through the lot, which had become much emptier. It wasn't until we turned the corner onto the main sidewalk when he stopped running.

But he kept holding my hand.

We both caught our breath as we walked side by side down the sidewalk in the pitch black night.

The only light came from the moon, and the street lamps.

"Where are the guys? Where's Eliza?" I ask, praying that they made it out alright.

"Louis and Niall left right after the shoot out stopped to make sure no one found the house." he says, making me nod.

"As for Liam and Eliza, they got out. I'm not sure where they went...Liam tried to stay and fight, but I told him to go get Eliza to safety." he tells me. I sigh in relief, knowing everyone was okay.

We walk down the dark pavement. I was still wearing Harry's flannel, which kept me significantly warm in the cold night.

I hear him let out a small cough. "Um, Lyds?" he says. I look over at him as we walk, waiting for him to continue.

"Did that man hurt you?" he asks with a face full of worry.

I shake my head and look forward. "No. I shot him before he could." I tell him. He nods as his lips form into a line.

"Fuck, I knew it wasn't a good idea to come here tonight." he says, cursing himself.

I squeeze his hand tighter. "But everybody made it out alright. That's what matters." I say softly. He shakes his head and lets out a huff of frustration.

I could see Harry's car about 40 feet away. We continue walking until Harry suddenly stops, dead in his tracks, holding my hand in a death grip.

"Harry wh-"

"Did you hear that?" he whispers, cutting me off. I knit my brows together and stay quiet, listening for any sort of odd noise.

Suddenly, I hear a quick 'click' noise...and then another.

"That sounded like-"

"A camera." he finishes my thought. "Get to the car, quick!" he whisper-shouts as he let's go of my hand. I start running and he follows behind me until we make it to his car.

He takes out his keys and fumbles with them before unlocking it. We both hop inside and he pulls out of his parking spot within the next second and speeds down the empty road.

"Why would someone be using a camera out here?" I say, out of breath.

"Someone was taking pictures of us." he says firmly, nervously fumbling with his lip.

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